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Bring er' redline


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The title should say "Bring er' to redline"...

It's 10/10 pretty not great that I can't change it either...

I was on MLPforums prior to this, yeah... They banned me. (they honestly had something against everything I did and if you disagree with that, please bring it to my attention because I have multiple arguments & factual information to back that up.)

But yeah, they dogged me down multiple times for many supposed issues. The place ain't great, folks. Honestly it's full of members that constantly complain and whine about suicide everywhere on the site. It's not a joyful and happy atmosphere for anyone, let alone children.

So yeah, I was pretty liked over there by the members who enjoyed my humorous story-like posts that captured the interests of anyone who began to read them. What do I mean? Well, I wrote replies to silly posts with drawn-out stories that answered the goofy question but with more flair. I was 10/10 pretty great and still am 10/10 pretty great.

I can do a lot of stuff honestly. It'd be hard to list it all. What I'm most known for is my knowledge about automobiles inside and out and the goofy art I'd make. But, I can do pretty much anything from drive racecars to a Hank Hill impression.

Yep. What else... Lets see...*shuffles papers* I'm currently living with my girlfriend, Raven, (Chevelle on this forum) which is 10/10 pretty gnarly. I actually met her on the MLPforums I mentioned earlier, one of the only decent things to come out of that place from my experience with the flawed moderation staff.

That's about it. Honda Civics.

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