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About Myself: Well let's start with the person behind the Mare and Stallion.

I'm Mrs. Sleigh (Call me Sleighbell). I live in Middle Tennessee. I have kinda old hobbies. I draw, paint, write, and sew. By my name you can figure out, I'm married.

How I found Canterlot.com: Looking for a place to Rp Poney

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well... I took care of kids back home. And a lot of the time I would play it for them. Then I just... Started watching.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
To start my main character is named Marionette. She was created to be a servant of Discord, but I can alter her for whatever may arise. She is meek and shy, and somewhat skittish around other ponies. The little puppet mare is easily influenced by others when they tell her to do things. So basically she is a pushover. She doesn't stand up very often, but when she dose she has to be very very angry.

Te other I have is a stallion named Rain Runner. He is a Pegasus who work on one of the many farms in Equestria. He's very kind and has a good heart. He likes to help anyone who needs it and always lends a hoof to toughs he doesn't know. Unlike other's of his kind. He doesn't go up to Cloudsdale very often. Only if it is a dire reason will he. Much like Fluttershy he prefers the ground over the sky.

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

There's many areas to RP here on this website! Your husband is welcome here too!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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