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Hey Everypony (Everyone)


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About Myself: Hi everyone (or everypony if you prefer), I am your typical gamer that hails from Canada. I am a very outgoing person and easy to get along with and I love to spend time with friend just doing whatever.

How I found Canterlot.com: My friend StaticPinks told me about you guys.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Woah, this is actually a bit of a long story.

Me and my friend were going to an Anime convention when he mentioned that he was curious to know if anyone would cosplaying as ponies. Intrigued by this I asked him what he meant, and he told me that there was this huge fanbase that loves the show MLP:FIM, me being a generally open minded person was curious about this and asked him to show me a few episodes. I believe he sealed the deal when he later told me that Jon De Lancie Played a villain in it (I am a pretty big Star Wars Fan). Thus I was hooked ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
This is my first time ever joining an RP board or even RPing in general (well maybe once in WoW since I am on this RP server with friends but this was awhile ago), I was gonna try it with Star Trek but never got around to it, so I decided to give MLP a try.

I look forward to RPing with you once I get my character done which I have a general idea of what I want to do with him.



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WoW we got some fast replies. Thanks everyone for the welcomes.

Welcome! Excellent choice of avatar, by the way. I hope you have great fun here!

Thanks, I thought this picture would go great as my Avatar since it's super cute and she's one I can relate to most.

Glad to see you on here, you'll have a great time :D

Hehe, I told you I would try it. An azurious always pays his debts :P

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Hey there! Nice avi! Great to see a new face around here. Hope you enjoy your stay with us and don't forget to have FUN! :D

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