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I have no idea what I've gotten myself into

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About Myself: I am currently terrified and unable to remember most of the things I like other than tumblr and youtube. I sound incredibly boring. I like to draw? I don't think I'm that good at it though.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google i kid you not

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Can't remember

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity
Hello! Mind if I start off with the classic, "What have I done?"

I do NOT consider myself that good of a role-player or that amazing of a provider

for details, backgrounds, stories and plots

I'm unclear for an OC,

I can get mighty lazy

and I think my stomach is forming knots.

I am incredibly judgmental and possibly mentally unstable

I'm worried, anxious, and wide-eyed.

I am scared, nervous, and surprised

that I dedicated myself to

this MLP forum that has you

possibly writing back to me to.

Please feel free to PM me

and don't mind my rhyming story.

I swear I'm no Zecora,

And I'm very pleased to meet ya.

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot! :D I was really nervous at first too and can relate to a lot of things you've said, but now this place feels like a second home to me. Canterlot is one of the friendliest and welcoming forums I've ever seen so don't worry too much. Hope you have a great time here! :)

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Why thank you, and I can assure you that I'll try my best to contribute. However the rules seem incredibly... Strict? What I mean is that there seems to be high expectations on quality. Which is rather difficult since I'm not good at roleplaying. Hopefully the community won't be as... Demanding? (The rules aren't demanding but more like... Incredibly high expectations for a little new foal like me.) Sorry, but I feel as though my word choice isn't as good as I want it to be. Thank you for the friendly words.

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Yes, we do have rules and order on this website, but we have them for the good of the community. No need to feel intimidated by them.

Please enjoy your stay!


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Why thank you, and I can assure you that I'll try my best to contribute. However the rules seem incredibly... Strict? What I mean is that there seems to be high expectations on quality. Which is rather difficult since I'm not good at roleplaying. Hopefully the community won't be as... Demanding? (The rules aren't demanding but more like... Incredibly high expectations for a little new foal like me.) Sorry, but I feel as though my word choice isn't as good as I want it to be. Thank you for the friendly words.

Nothing to worry about :D You'll notice that we have three different RP areas. While the World of Equestria RP section does have pretty high quality expectations, we know that not everyone is an experienced writer or role-player. That's why we have Free-for-All. The FFA section doesn't have any strict rules, and you can get in and RP right away. (Just make sure you follow the over-all site rules :) ) No one is going to force you to apply for a character in Canterlot Chronicles or WoE. If and when you feel comfortable, you can try those areas. The rest of the site is wide open!

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Nothing to worry about :D You'll notice that we have three different RP areas. While the World of Equestria RP section does have pretty high quality expectations, we know that not everyone is an experienced writer or role-player. That's why we have Free-for-All. The FFA section doesn't have any strict rules, and you can get in and RP right away. (Just make sure you follow the over-all site rules :) ) No one is going to force you to apply for a character in Canterlot Chronicles or WoE. If and when you feel comfortable, you can try those areas. The rest of the site is wide open!

Exactly! And if you ever apply for WoE or CC, don't be discouraged if you have to make changes to your character. My first character required a lot of revisions but the staff is extremely helpful with that. These are the only rules for FFA so you can practice there if you want. But for the record, you're writing looks perfectly fine to me. :)

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