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Cinnabar (Ready!)


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria (WoE)

Name: Cinnabar

Sex: Male

Age: Young stallion

Species: Earth pony

Eye colour: Moderate magenta

Coat: Dark scarlet (which is just technical colourese for reddish-brown, really.)

Mane/Tail: Light vermilion. Both his mane and his tail are noticeably scruffy and unkempt.

Physique: Slightly taller and bulkier than average, but by no means built like a tank.

Residence: Cinnabar was born in Fet Loch, and still speaks with the area's gruff local accent, but he spends most of his time in Canterlot nowadays.

Occupation: Geologist, spelunker and occasional miner

Cutie Mark: A cross-section of a bright orange crystal geode.

History: Cinnabar was born in Fet Loch, the oldest of three children sired by a Fetlochian earth stallion and a unicorn mare from Canterlot. His father earned his living as a spelunker, exploring dangerous caves in the surrounding mountain ranges for gems, minerals and other objects of interest; as such, he was renowned for his toughness even in a town where rugged toughness was the norm. Cinnabar's mother, on the other hoof, was a gentle soul who only moved to Fet Loch out of love for her husband. Both parents doted on their children, so Cinnabar's formative years brought nothing more problematic than the infamous Fet Loch weather.

As he grew older, Cinnabar developed an intense fascination with his father's work. The tales Daddy would spin of gaping crevasses and brutal Diamond Dog exiles did nothing to satisfy his son's curiosity - if anything, the prospect of dangerous adventure just made Cinnabar all the more desperate to follow in his hoofsteps. It got to the point where Cinnabar would bring crystal geodes and other trinkets in for school show-and-tell, reciting one of his father's stories every time. To date, Cinnabar has no idea which stories were actual memoirs and which were made up.

One fateful day, his father decided to go the extra mile and take his children to one of the bases in the Solstice Heights where spelunkers would dwell before going off to the cave systems. In his fanboyish excitement, Cinnabar lost all semblance of common sense, and he ended up running off and becoming lost while his father was trying to give his famil a tour of the area. For several days, Cinnabar's parents feared the worst, but fear turned to elation when Cinnabar returned, scruffy and dirty, but unharmed and bearing both a huge sack of crystals and his cutie mark. Perhaps in reference to the legendary vagueness of the old spelunkers, Cinnabar has always been intentionally ambiguous about the events of those days, particularly when asked exactly how he earned his cutie mark.

From that point on, Cinnabar's interests changed slightly - he went from a devoted worshipper of his father to a more general lover of mountains and cave systems. His parents pushed this with delight, and Cinnabar ended up on a Canterlot University geology course by scholarship. It took several years of dedicated study, but Cinnabar eventually passed the course and essentially became his father's more intellectual counterpoint - he would delve into cave systems to create maps and detect possibly interesting landscape structures, with any riches found serving as a nice bonus. He now lives in a house in middle-class Canterlot, and ekes out a rather isolated existence.

Character Summary: Cinnabar is practically an embodiment of Fet Loch's cultural values - a tough, no-nonsense stallion with a bleak, dry sense of humour. He can often come off as rather cold and aloof, but he isn't outright vicious and will apologise profusely if it becomes apparent that he's offended somepony. In a tight spot, Cinnabar will react one of two ways - the most practical way possible, or the most outrageously outlandish. He has a friendly but slightly distant relationship with his family, particularly his younger brother and sister who may just become characters in their own right someday.


- Cinnabar is the most common ore of mercury, noted for its distinctive deep red colouration. Should any other members of Cinnabar's family become relevant, they too will be named after metal ores.

- Unless I somehow read it totally wrong, the Fet Loch local accent sounds Scottish, so you should imagine Cinnabar speaking with a gruff, David Tennant-type Scottish accent.

- This is my first character sheet on this site, so please give some kind of critique! Also, I'm not sure where the best place to go if you're new to RP is, so some help there would be much appreciated :razz:

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Since you asked for a critique: pretty good for a first app. The Character Summary may be a wee bit short, but it pretty much gets to the point of who your OC is outside of his career. I'd say you've done a pretty good job. :)

As to where to RP first in WoE, you've got two options. Either you find an Open thread that anyone can join (it doesn't matter where the RP is set), or you ask for an invitation to join a thread marked with "PM for Invite". Maybe hang out in IRC too; there's usually a user hanging around willing to arrange a RP with a willing player. ^_^

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