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Hey There Everyone!


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About Myself: Game Design, GMing Pen & Paper Games, Playing Video Games, Voice Chatting on Skype with Friends, Watching MLP FiM and Associated Fan-Works.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I watched an episode of it on Netflix when I was feeling down, next thing I knew, I was finished with the first season and feeling like a million bucks!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello there!

I've been a big fan of MLP FiM ever since finding it whilst dealing with one of my worst bouts of seasonal depression ever. After discovering it, and the wonderful community around it, I had a bit of a life change. This turn-around left me feeling confident in myself, and truly happy for the first time in years, and I've been enjoying the ride ever since!

A little while ago, I lost a good number of my friends due to complicated reasons, which in part had to do with them having problems with my taking a liking to MLP. It hurt, but I eventually came to the conclusion that it might just be life calling on me to get up, and make a move. So, I decided to start seeking out like-minded people to befriend and talk to! I'm not going to lie, it's been forever (literally over ten years) since I've done any sort of active friendship making, so forgive me if I seem out of practice (I've never been too good at it in the first place, as I'm extremely self-conscious, and more than a little shy).

I love talking to new people! I commonly host and GM pen & paper games for people (usually over Skype), I love to play video games, and general discussion about interesting topics is right up my ally! So if you want to, please, feel free to get in contact with me!

I use Skype for my voice conferencing and chatting needs, and also have Steam for pretty much all of my gaming. Send me a PM and maybe we can connect through Skype!

I look forward to maybe talking to some of you soon, and I hope to become involved with the community more as well! Thanks for you time!

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Just for a small indie team at the moment. I'm aiming for making it go places, but you have to start somewhere. That, and there's definitely something to be said about working with a small, tight-nit group of people on something you all care about!

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot! :D It's great to know MLP made such a positive impact on your life. I also became much more positive and friendly after watching the show. It seems to have that effect on people. :)

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