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Pleasure Being Here


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About Myself: I love music to the max! I also thoroughly enjoy art and writing :D

How I found Canterlot.com: I was actually thoroughly recommended by Dreamy Sunday. He's one awesome guy if I do say so myself ;)

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became a fan of MLP by sheer accident when the Hub network first started. I was watching an anime on it then all of a sudden...MLP. I wasn't exactly very willing to see it at first XD

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
It really is a pleasure to be here among this fine group of people! As inspired by my friends in another MLP site including Skype related acquaintances, I have been led to create a profile and hoofprint into this site.

Anyways...ponies...yes...Obviously, I am a fan. Back where I come from (a small country town), there would have been much persecution had I been open about it...so yeah, I was a classic case of the closet brony haha. I grew up on a dairy farm where the crops needed harvestin, cows needed milkin, and fields needed plowin...kinda far fetched for a MLP fan. I don't know what hooked me, knowing that I came by MLP by chance and hadn't heard of 'bronies' till almost a year later. What's so strange is it actually helped me through hard times...a lot of hard times. Never failed to put a grin on this dirt covered face. Anyways, don't mean to talk ya'lls ears off, just real happy to be here.

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Hello Aero, it would seem a lot of MLPF people are migrating over to other forums these days. So how are you?

I'm well. Popping up all over the place really :) I don't know. I never really ventured past the forums before. It's pretty exciting :)

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This is by far the best written introduction I've seen in a while. Aero it's nice to see the forum has caught your attention I'm looking forward to seeing you more frequently around here. Seriously Aero welcome to Canterlot. :D

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

AppleJack IS AWESOME!!! Of course, since I RP as Granny Smith, I am a bit biased!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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This is by far the best written introduction I've seen in a while. Aero it's nice to see the forum has caught your attention I'm looking forward to seeing you more frequently around here. Seriously Aero welcome to Canterlot. :D

Thank you kindly Leapman :) I intend to. For the moment while I'm RPing in certain other aspects of the great thing we call the internet, I will only be observing and view specific RPs that happen to pique my interest ;) Once they have either died out or finished, one could look forward to me being quite active :D Thanks again for the warm welcome.

Welcome to Canterlot.com!

AppleJack IS AWESOME!!! Of course, since I RP as Granny Smith, I am a bit biased!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


Yer darn tootin'. Applejack here represents all us country folk 'round these here parts of the US. Either way, sure is a pleasure meetin' ya and thank ya kindly for the welcome! :D

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