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Hey there, everypony! ^-^


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It's really nice meeting you all! :smirk: I might not seem like it, but I'm actually a pretty shy person in real life and don't have a lot of friends. (I know how ironic that is considering how I watch a show all about friendship...) I hope I can overcome my shyness and make a lot of friends here, so I'll try to talk to as many people as I can! :)

If you want to hear some more stuff about me, well then, you're in luck buster! I'm TwilightMagica here on the forums, because I love MLP and Madoka Magica (one of the few animes I've watched) so much. I'm in high school right now, and I have almost NO free time, so I haven't gotten to watch the new season of MLP. :( But, summer break is coming up, so I'll have plenty of time to catch up! ;)

I also haven't roleplayed before. Like, at all. :-o But it looks like a lot of fun, so if somepony over here doesn't mind helping me out, I'd love to get started!

And, well, that's it about me. I don't think there's anything left to say, except... HI! :D

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Welcome to Canterlot. Hope you have fun here. ;)

Madoka Magica is probably my favorite anime. Our admin Rosewind loves it too, hence why we even have a Kyubey smiley. :kyubey:

And if you're looking for help getting started with RP, I would advise you to start with this thread. If you're confused about anything in the thread, just post there and someone should be around to assist you.

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot! :D I did some research on Madoka Magica and it looks really interesting. I'm gonna have to check it out sometime.

You really should. Great anime. ;)

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Hi Twilightmagica nice to meet you, I don't watch too much anime guess I really didn't take the time to get really into that stuff. The only shows I actually watched was Naruto and Attack on Titan. Anyways welcome to Canterlot! :D

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