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About Myself: I like a lot of stuff. Going outside, playing video games, etc. Generic stuff. I also like a LOT of music, so my music taste is all over the place.

How I found Canterlot.com: Really randomly. I was looking at miscellaneous forums and came across this one.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Just discovered the show one day and I liked it. I like a lot of cartoons, and it was great

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
Hiya. I'm Riptide and I like all kinds of stuff. I'm pretty nice, so come say hi to me whenever you want! I tend to worry a lot, so I'll probably worry that I'm being annoying or pushy. I'll try not to bother any of you, but if you do actually want to say hi or anything my skype is rippyripcord. I guess that's it. Thanks! (sorry about this it's probably really awkward)

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