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About Myself: Dead, mane is black and grey instead of rainbow, and Pinkamina cut off my wings... So yeah.

How I found Canterlot.com: Searching

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I just like it

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
I actually HATE Pinkamina... Duh...... She is like, my worst enemy ever! You know why? She killed me! She turned my guts into cupcakes! Ha! She will get revenge soon.

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Someday, some happy and wonderful day, people will stop talking about godawful fanfictions.

But today is not this day.

Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

This is supposed to be an 'appy occasion! Let's not bicker an' argue about 'oo killed 'oo!

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DRD, please be aware that Canterlot.com is not a place for excessively 'grim-dark' posts or RPs. If you read through our rules you'll see these two notes:

  1. Posts must be suitable for PG-13/PEGI-12 audiences.
  2. No depictions of sex, gore, intense violence, or illegal drugs are permitted in posts, images, links, or roleplay.

Just keep that in mind :)

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Im no imposter !!! Im rainbow dash with my nick name in the middle, remember my name is rainbowdaringdash sooo yeah, and i agree, why be cruel to a volonteer worker? If you did that to a paid worker then maybe a excuse but none to someone who does waht he does out of the goodness of his heart, he can be a downer if he wants

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Heads up, I'm not staff anymore but I'm pretty sure that's not the attitude you should take towards a volunteer worker of the site ..or anyone for that matter.

Don't worry, I'm being serious, I'm just joking around...sheesh, I guess I'll start putting sarcasm in parentheses from now on.

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