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Greetings, mortals. Bow down to your swagger homie.


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About Myself: Well...I'm lazy, 'Nuff said.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was searching specifically for a more tolerable forum.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: It was around the time season 2 had finished, I was on YouTube checking to see what my favourite YouTuber was up to (totally not stalking) and I saw that he had thumbed upped a video. The video was the scene from that one episode where AJ breaks a Pinkie Promise and Pinkie goes all super saiyan. So I was like "...I guess I might as well see what all the commotion is about...i like ellipses". So I clicked the video and was like "meehhhhhh k", then I watched more. And I remember saying in my head "I don't know who that marshmallow one is, but I will find it. And hug it.".

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash
I used to go on the MLP Forums ALL the time. Like, literally 24/7. But then I got banned because I kept on going off topic and stuff. So here I am, starting anew.

Also, Daring Do is best pony.

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