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A New Bee


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About Myself: I hope to be a great friend to everyone, I am very kind and caring. Though times are hard, I still enjoy hanging with my friends. They make my day better. I enjoy saying, "Hello" to anyone who walks by.

I enjoy Drawing, gaming, listening to "Pop" music, and horseback riding. I have two dogs, a cat, and a fish. My cat always gets into trouble, but when she calms down, she is sweet as a gumdrop!

When I first joined the site, today, I already had a picture I wanted to post, but couldn't find the, "Post" or "Add" button. I went to the forums and saw that I needed THREE POSTS! That's CRAZY, but understandable.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was bored so I looked up, "Mlp RP." The first thing that popped up was this. What I noticed is that there is one , exactly like this, but for Cloudsdale

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I found it while on the "Hub" channel. I soon feel in love with the show.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash
Hello again!!! As you saw up there my favorite ponies are, Rainbow Dash :shock:, Fluttershy :(, and Little Miss Rarity :idea:

My Favorite Not Main Pony is...

Nightmare Moon/ Princess Luna

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