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Whispy Glowdust (Ready)


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Name: ​Whispy Glowdust

Gender: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Dark Amber

Character colour: A Lovely Shade Of Forest Green

Mane/Tail/Other: Her mane is a dark shade of cerulean with a short bowl cut to be short which is her preference, more so a bowl cut she finds it light and functional for her. Her tail however is long and wispy that curls just a little at the end. In her mane she generally has a flower that acts as an accessory for her hair and this flower generally is anything she happens to put up while traveling.

Physique: She has a petite frame which is the cause of her diet being a light one because of all the on the road traveling she does. As an added benefit she has strong hoof's and legs that allows her to travel very long distances. Her flanks are also very much tone from her lifestyle. Her horn is the general shape of most unicorns.

Residence: Outdoors/Always Moving

Occupation:Traveling Storyteller/Entertainer

Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a storybook fantasy castle and it represents her talent in telling and story with fantasy being her expertise when telling them. It was obtain when she had shared a story she had preformed and told with a preforming troupe in trottingham. ((More in History Section))

Unique Traits:

Fantasy Stories - This is her forte and shes really good at telling them

Preforming - This is just as good as her story telling and adds to the story she tells with her magic or even with costumes.

Illusion Magic - Whispy has great practice and study in illusion magic which aids her in telling her stories


Whimsy first years can be traced back to trottingham, as a young youth from the very classic and rustic city whimsy would be born a daughter to two ponies one of which was a well known actress of the area one Elegant Paramore. The other a well known enchanted book novelist known as Quill Scribe, from early own theater and literature were things she would be accustomed to. She however would come to love the plays of fantasy and non fiction becoming a lover of stories and plays that were fantastical and whimsical. This would come to play in what would be one defining moment that would give her a purpose that she wouldn't soon forget and would set her on her path. It was when a traveling trope would come through a company of ponies that took to the road telling stories and entertaining the towns they would visit a home town favorite and one that began right in that very town

The event was magical and at the end there was a random pick one person from the audience to help close the performance with a play and read through of a famous fantasy story. She was chosen by luck from the the crowd and although scared at first she would proceed with the help of the show ponies in the troupe to tell the story and even act it out. The result was applause and the smiles of happy ponies cheering back and it was from then she knew what she wanted to do. That was to travel like the troupe did and tell stories and spread them out to people that didn't have the chance to see them or experience them. Whimsy got her cutie mark that day and her studies would progress towards her new found goal.

In her filly years she would spend the time perfecting her act and writing her own stories that she felt would be something she could use on the road, eventually she would practice with her mother training on the illusion magic that she would employ in her acts. As well as practicing her writing and learning the proper way to right things with her dad all the while still attending an academy in trottingham. As time would pass she would eventually mature into a full grown mare and it was that time that she would set her plan into motion. She had acquired a cart one that would serve to hold her stuff as she traveled equestria and beyond and with her wits she would eventually decided on a name for her trope. The Tales Of Whimsy was the name of the troupe and was something she would hope would grow and hopefully she would find more ponies to travel with and compete her trope.

The last gift from her parents was a charm to remember them and words of encouragement as she went off on her journey, with various performances already she is getting to enjoy the life she had chosen and even gather a member for her trope. Her pet bunny Rari she had found on her trip injured from a fall she had nursed the bunny back to help and rather then leave her Rari has stayed and has been whimsy's best bunny buddy on her travels across the land.

Character Summary/Personality:

Whimsy is a very bright and bubbly pony a day dreamer and one that sees the imagination and possibilities in everything. She tries to see the good in everyone and believes that there is always a bit of fun and happiness in every person somewhere. Some would call her trusting for it and others would say she is to nice for her own good. Her mind is like one big story book where she sees the world from a very story book like view. Her way of speaking can range from talking normally to a more Victorian and Shakespeare like tone and terminology. She is what you would call a theater buff as well as she could go on for days about a play she's seen or a stories she has read.

A lover of fair and carnival food generally is very odd how she can stay so petite when she eats so many sweets. A habit she has and something of a guilty pleasure as she just cannot stop herself. A hopeless romantic she believes and just gushes over stories of ponies braving all sorts of trails and challenges ultimately for one person the hold more dear and its not uncommon to see her blush full read when she sees or reads over these. She is messy and generally has a lot of random things all around her cart hence her organization can leave much for room for improvement though she thinks of it as organized chaos more so then not. Whimsy is also eccentric always doing things in a grandiose manner not subtle in the least she has been known to be a little over zealous in her actions sometimes and it can get her into trouble just a tad bit. Her intelligence is average though more scientifically study leaves her mind boggled at times.

She however does have things she doesn't which one is ponies with out imagination, to not use something so amazing and so limitless is just a crime to her, one other thing is creepy places and ghost and all manner of things of that occult nature. This can be blamed on a play she saw when she was younger a more scary and frightful one that left her very much scared of traveling through the more darker creepier areas she comes across on her travels or at least try to find a detour around them. The last thing is damage to her wagon which with her whole lively hood on the wagon it becomes almost second nature to lash out at anyone that tries to purposely mess with it or try to damage it


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Hi Lumikou!

This app is very strong! All of the required fields are filled and it is very well written.

However, the app is very brief in some places, even the cutie mark story is rather short.

You probably should expand a bit in both the History and Character Summary categories. The more you can tell us about your character, the better all of us can see what you see in her!

Great start, please keep working on it!


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