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Space Ponies(a space RP)

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Equestria has made a scientific breakthrough by science's discovery of the mysterious matter, Fagel, which ponies have been able to use for exploration in the outer worlds. It has been many years since the discovery. The mane six have passed except for Twilight Sparkle. who has kept her brain in a clone of a body. She has done this to study the matter. All players are either in one singular ship or in multiple ones. Some changelings have left the hive and joined the ponies. Other races have been either joined the ponies or chose to fight, causing a war against the ponies and aggressive aliens.

The ponies and the friendly races have made the Nexus, the side that wishes to give order and/or defeat the Saven, which is the enemy side that wishes to destroy the opposing side.

(Feel free to help make the races) (Also, good writers only allowed, meaning ones who don't make one-sentence posts.)

Bionic parts are allowed, meaning eyes, legs, arms, and face(ponies are only allowed to use this.)

Character sheet:





Eye Color:

(Optional)Bionic Parts:

Weapon: (All weapons must be futuristic)

Equipment: (One only)

And remember, have fun!

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Name: Red Veil A.K.A Killjoy

Race: Earth pony

Mane: Profile pic

Tail: Profile pic

Eye color: Profile pic

Bionic parts: mechanical implants to the muscles making her stronger than original ponies.

Weapon: Gatling Laser ((fall out anyone? lol))

Equipment: heavy armored exo suit with small built in jets to move quickly.

((is this ok, or too OP?))

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