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About Myself: Umm I'm not really sure what to say about myself lol, umm I do some volunteer work with kids every week, I love MLP (haha obviously) I'm a fairly new brony but not too much. I've been watching for a few weeks now and I'm on a few other forums.

How I found Canterlot.com: A fun little place called Google! You should check it out sometime! xD

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, once upon a time I was watching a MLP collection video on youtube and when I first heard about "bronies" I thought it was odd but, after watching a few of this person videos I decided to try and watch the show. I never got around to watching the full first episode at first but, later on I decided to go ahead and finish it, then I proceeded to watch the second episode and fell in love, that night I found a forum (not this one of course) and decided to join. So yeah, that's how I discovered the amazing show.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Pinkamina Diane Pie
So, not sure what all to say about myself at this point lol, but, I did my first digital drawing recently, that was kinda fun I suppose, as you can see my favorite ponies are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. My first favorite has to be Fluttershy and Pinkie is my second fave, but I love them both. As well as the fact that I love all of the characters of the Mane 6, but, I do have my faves as do most!

So yeah, that's about myself, if you wanna know more about me feel free to shoot me a pm!! ^^

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Welcome to Canterlot kelsey! :razz: Yeah I bet a lot of us (including me) were skeptical about watching the show, but some how miraculously we eased into it. Well I hope you enjoy your stay around these fair parts. :D

Yes I can imagine so, it doesn't really surprise me too much though as it is a girly show and was originally intended for little girls.... ;)

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