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Captain Smog (Ready)


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Name: Captain Smog

Gender: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Warm Purple

Character colour: Smokey Grey like mist or fog.

Mane/Tail/Other: Pale Blue. Very long and flowing like a calm sea.

Physique: Well-toned body structure with strong wings

Residence: Open seas or the docks.

Occupation: Pirate (Cargo Ship Captain)

Cutie Mark: One large wave on five smaller waves. (Dark blue large wave. Lighter Blue small waves.)

Unique Traits: Has three piercings in her left ear. A hoop and stud on her lower part, a small hoop towards her upper point. Just the hoop and stud in her right ear. The other small hoop coming out of her left nostril and two curved lip piercings in her lower lip. Scar over left eye and a scar in the shape of a “P” on her neck.

History: Smog was born upon a small cargo ship causing her first and only love of the sea. As a young filly she discovered her rather strong control over the seas and skies. When filled with anger, she caused deadly and dangerous storms. When saddened, it would drizzle endlessly. And when content the waters couldn’t be calmer. Her power is of course limited to a radius of a battle field of her being. After a few years working under a pompous Unicorn Captain who put himself before his crew, she led a mutiny against him. When she was given the option of begging for forgiveness or the bottom of the sea, after her defeat, she chose the sea. A choice she now lives by. She never leaves her ship so her second mate takes care of all the docking.

Character Summary/Personality: Captain Smog is a rather smart and strong willed Pegasus. She enjoys her life upon the open seas with her crew. Her power of her emotions is rather bewildering. She has great difficulty with her control over them but it has come in handy on many occasions. She will often keep herself in a rather pleasant mode to not scare off her crew out of fear and hatred. She however is a rather kind soul that would never leave a pony behind or over board. She tries her best to put all of her thoughts to a vote of the crew and will take every thought as a consideration. She relies a lot on her first mate and would be rather helpless without them. She does however act recklessly in times putting herself and crew at great risks and sometimes barely escaping without serious injuries.She has swayed those weak of heart to leave her crew, leaving her with the greatest ponies she has ever met who are strong and loyal souls. Her fear of being forgotten lingers for the stories she was told as a filly of her being forgotten on the cargo ship by the crew ponies. She has a slight cider problem and can get a little loud when singing her sea shanties. Other than she is a rather calm Pirate. She more or less only considered a pirate from her mutiny against her old captain.

Character Summary: Overall, Captain Smog is a rather stable Captain with a love of the ocean, cider and shanties when she isn’t overwhelmed by her own fears or emotions. post-10113-0-36737500-1404727182_thumb.jpost-10113-0-19928900-1404727191_thumb.j

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Okay, I love some cool pirate ponies! Looking at this app, for CC a lot of it is fine. I would reduce the prevalence of her power over the seas and skies just a little- the idea is fine. I would also go through the app again for spelling and grammar, especially Summary/Personality. For CC the rest is fine. I like the art!

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"She enjoys her live"

should be life.

"She will over* keep herself"

should be often.

" She has swayed the weak of heart out of the strong loyal souls from her crew leaving her with some of the greatest ponies she has ever met."

Should be phrased better. "She has swayed those weak of heart to leave her crew, leaving her with the greatest ponies she has ever met who are strong and loyal souls."

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You're doing well!

"After a few years working under a pompous Unicorn Captain who put himself before his crew, she led a mutiny against him. When she was given the option of begging for forgiveness or the bottom of the sea, after her defeat, she chose the sea. A choice she now lives by. She never leaves her ship so her second mate takes care of all the docking."

- This could be interesting. A failed mutiny is a rare concept for a pirate to have- most of the time, these apps have them succeeding. Points to you there! I would expand on her experiences on this ship, the events leading to the mutiny, and how she survived what looks like a fatal choice. I would then go on to how she was able to get a new ship and crew and how she has ended up in her present condition.

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Just make sure you don't use your OC's special abilities to godmod, powergame, or any form of overpowered activity, and it should be alright for this particular RP section.


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