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Glesando [Ready]


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Area of Roleplay​​​​: World of Equestria.

Name: Glesando (Descrescendo) Key, but known by Glesando, Gles, or Gliss.

Sex: Male.

Age: Young stallion. (Collage years.)

Species: Pegasus, or Equinus Potentae if you want to get technical.

Eye Colour: A dark navy blue, easily mistakable for large pupils.

Coat Colour: A slightly lighter colour than his eyed, but still navy blue. He has a small circular imprint on the back of his left hind leg, a presumed birthmark.

Mane Colour & Style: His mane is an eccentric neon green, with tomato red tips, long length for a stallion. His mane is scruffy at edges but not noticible unless you scrutinise. His tail is similar, but kept trimmed short and stubby.

Physique: He is quite tall for a stallion, but not so much he stares down on everyone. His physique is very large, and toned around the edges. Broad shoulders, and the ends of his hooves uncovered. His accent is strongly Scottish, which he hides to his ability, to allow ponies to understand him.

Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark is simply a black tenor clef, signifying that his piano playing is unique and complex, and that when composing, he thinks outside the box by using what is already there, in a whole new, harder view. He got his cutie mark when he turned the equine equivalent of 7, his aunt brought over her old honky tonk piano, and like any young foal, he got curious. His hooves gingerly started to press a few keys, and eventually he made a small melody. Afterwards, he taught himself basic sheet music theory and terminology, and when he played at a school talent show, he got his cutie mark to his amazement.

Residence: He currently lives in Canterlot in a small apartment. In his current situation, he wishes to save up so he can head over to the university, to get a getter musical education and let his unique qualities be shown, instead of hidden in the old city. He often gets the train to Ponyville to get away, but not for long periods of time, a week at most.

Occupation: Currently, you could call him a student, since he is currently studying musical theory and hoping to get into Canterlot Stud of the Musical Arts. His aspiration it to make it to Carneighie hall. Right now, he takes up odd piano playing jobs, like one off performances at restaurants, or back-up preformences, but nothing prominent. Currently, he gets an allowance​.

History: Glesando was born in Trottingham, but was raised with a Fet Lochish family, hence where he gets his culture and his accent. He had a pretty decent foalhood, he had everything that he ever wanted, that really wasn't much. He was a pretty contempt foal. A stick would keep him contempt for a while. Due to this, he never got what you called 'close friends', but was still very social. Gliss was the stallion that every pony knew and would hang out with, but not really know whether to trust or not with serious things. He wishes to change his persona, his link into adulthood a fresh start for him. When he turned 16, he did very well on his exams, but unfortunetly was one mark off of getting into Canterlot university. Devistated, he moved to Canterlot and began his new life. His parents, well... For the last year or so he hasn't seen them at all, ever ence he left home. So right now, he is a pianist who just wants to get further in life.

Character Summary: When he was younger, he wasn't really the type to have a group of close friends. Glesando was that foal that everyone knew, but didn't know much about. On his own, he was quite ambitious, becoming successful in a few other things, like Rugby and Rowing. If he failed at something more than once, he would usually be reluctant to do it again. Usually he won't express himself through anything except music, but if someone truly shows interest, he'll basically give them everything. Some would say he has a charming dance around him, and can be pretty playful at times when he's feeling better than usual. He talks at a mediocre speed, but with the accent it's hard to tell. If he's given a project, he could do it if he had the motivation to do it, so if it's a 180 page book on the life cycle of ducks, no. A symphony on the majority of the light of life, then yes. He can be easily offended, and will give a very astute observation of it before replying. He's extremely predictable, but on rare occasions he can surprise. He really enjoys life bust mostly because of his aspirations.

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Disclaimer: I am NO RPH, just here to give some friendly advice

Cool unicorn you got here, though i have a few things to suggest that might help you get this in.

1. You will need to add a Cutie mark story, i know from experience that pony apps, as well as zebra's, need to include cutie mark stories.

2. You might need to extend the history a bit more, though i dont know for sure.

Well, thats all i can really say. Like i said, im no Role Play Helper, so this is all unofficial, though it still might help. Best of luck getting this in, and welcome to canterlot :)

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Disclaimer: I am NO RPH, just here to give some friendly advice

Cool unicorn you got here, though i have a few things to suggest that might help you get this in.

1. You will need to add a Cutie mark story, from experience i know that this is a must have.

2. You might need to extend the history a bit more, though i dont know for sure.


Cheers for the advice, but if you look under 'Personallity', there is a story, and as for the history. The character needs a more developed persona, I know, but that's what I'm currently thinking about.

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DISCLAIMER: Same as before

I noticed two more thing's i can suggest

1. Seperate the CM story from the personality, that just makes it easier

2. You might want to make the CM story longer, getting a cutie mark is a moment no pony forgets and they can tell the moment in perfect detail, more or less. So, in short, i suggest u make it a bit longer :blush:

I always blabber on :P

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Hi Glesando!

My apologies for not examining this app earlier, and my thanks once again to RDD for giving excellent advice to you on this app!

Your app is very well written, all of the required fields are filled. Though it is somewhat brief in a few places, I believe there is enough here for this app to pass!

I will recommend it for further Senior RPH evaluation!

Well done!


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