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Night Fire [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria.

Name: Night Fire.

Sex: Female.

Age: Filly.

Species: Pegasus.

Eyecolour: Grey.

Coat: Light Grey.

Mane/Tail: Fiery red.

Physique: Lean & Wiry. As she puts it she's "built for speed".

Residence: Canterlot.

Occupation: Student.

CutieMark: None.

History: Night was born in Dodge Junction and lived their until she was about to start school Her parents are both part of the Guard and Night moved with her parents to Canterlot because her mother gained a promotion and both of her parents were transferred to the capital. Life in Canterlot was certainly different from her old life. Night, with her rough and tumble ways stuck out like a sore hoof in the more refined atmosphere of the capital. She started getting into trouble and occasionally fights and her parents worried that she would never fit in. Everything changed when Night made friends with Silver Rain, a unicorn filly who was almost her complete polar opposite. Where Night spent most of her time flying around, racing and occasionally fighting the other foals Silver spent most of her time with her muzzle buried in a book, barely speaking to anypony. Despite their differences the pair hit it off like a house on fire.

Silver showed Night that there was more to life than flying and getting into trouble and Night forced Silver to come out of her shell. Night's grades improved and she stopped getting into so much trouble. Over the next few years the pair became more like sisters until Silver got a highly coveted place at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Night threw herself into training to become a Wonderbolt after seeing one of their performances in Cloudsdale. She still saw Silver every Friday for their traditional 'Ogres and Oubliettes' night.

She now lives with her mother in off-base housing since her father was given an assignment in Manehattan. Rather than pull Night out of school it was decided that Night and her mother would stay in Canterlot (where her mother still serves in the Royal Guard). Night is left to fend for herself and has become somewhat self-sufficient, usually cooking something for when her mother's shift ended. Between that she volunteers in her school's library (she has explained to her less studious friends that she does it because extra-curricular activities can help when applying for the Wonderbolts, she really does it because she enjoys it).

She is still planning to get into the Wonderbolts but plan B is looking more and more interesting.

CharacterSummary: Night is still one of the better students in her class (although her liking for academia has dropped somewhat since Silver switched schools) and she is still planning to get into the Wonderbolts some day. Night is fairly certain that her destiny is to join the Wonderbolts, although the fact that all of her aerial skills haven't resulted in a cutie mark worries her as to what her destiny is meant to be. She is worried that always chasing after being a 'Bolt is taking her in the wrong direction.

Her parents have drilled into her the need for a fall-back plan in case she doesn't make it as a Wonderbolt, she quite likes the idea of being a librarian since she tends to read a lot anyway and, after being forced to spend an hour a day after school for two weeks helping in the school library she now does it voluntarily (the old librarian is glad for the help since Night can fly up to the higher shelves without having to climb up a ladder, Night has noticed that flying through the shelves does wonders for her maneuverability). Her spare time is spent either racing other flying foals in Canterlot or spending time reading. On a Friday night Lady Flame of Everfree can be found slaying monsters and generally being a all around good pony alongside the other Knights of Niceness, or at least until Night convinces her fellow gamers to pick a less lame name for their fellowship.

Night learned from her pegasus father how to manoeuvre in tight spaces and when not to fight from her earth pony mother. The need to, when necessary talk her way out of trouble has saved Night from several fights over the years. She tends to make friends easily but can be slow to completely open up to other ponies (she was betrayed by ponies who she told secrets to when she was living in Dodge Junction and hasn't completely gotten over it). Night also tends to lose her temper when ponies are mocked for being nerds or less physically inclined, she makes no effort to conceal the fact that she is a little nerdy herself.

Night is unsure either or not to be a little concerned that she''s stopped saying "When I'm a Wonderbolt" and started saying "If I'm a Wonderbolt".

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Looks pretty fine so far. Tighten up the grammar in a few places and expand a bit more on her personality and summary. Also, add something more to her history. It is okay as is but seems a bit hollow or light. I'm sure you can do it!

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