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H-hello there.


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About Myself: Shy, yet strong willed. Friendly, yet quiet.

How I found Canterlot.com: A simple google search for MLP forums

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Ever since episode one and two of season one, I've been hooked.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello there every pony; my name is Solfire, or Sunblaze, which ever is better for you. I've come along from wanted to know how a community like this would feel like being a part of. I've always heard good and bad things from other (idk if they've been on this site before or not), but I just wanted to find out on my own.

Aside from that, I always love getting into rps just to get my mind out there and away from the troubles of my world; even if it's for a moment. I also love playing games and learning about new ones.

If you wish to talk to me, I don't mind. I'll talk about anything. I also don't mind if no one talks to me; I'll hold it against no one.

So, without saying anything else without sounding like I'm babbling (which I probably already am): ...Hi! *Hides*

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Don't worry, Solfire. The people here in Canterlot seem like decent folk. :)

Anyway, let me be the first to welcome you to Canterlot! I hope your stay will be as fun as it is for me! :D

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Hi thereeeeee!!!! :D

I'm Fanny! Its really nice to meet you! :)

As a welcome gift, accept this! :razz:

*Gives nutella with a bow on top*

I hope we can be friends! I also hope you would an awesome time here! ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for being sappy. I'm usually not like that. Wow. I apologize for everything, regardless if I should or not. Oh, well. I guess I just... um... I don't know how to end this message, so,


*I used these words because I said them so much in French class that they're banned in French and English.

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