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Dust Devil

Cat Napper

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Name: Dust Devil (nicknamed Dustball or Dusty)

Sex: Male

Age: Very young foal, barely able to talk.

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: A dark stormy gray, he has dark stockings up his legs and dun-style leg stripes. His hooves are light silver.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Light blonde, almost white in color. Wispy and cropped short, it often spikes up and has a very messy wind blown look to it

Eye Color: Deep violet

Cutie Mark: A little patch of imageless gray fur (none yet)

Physique: Dusty is a little stubby foal who is surprisingly quick on his young hooves. When he grows older, he'll develop a very athletic build and grow impressively tall and bulky, like the build of a Clydesdale horse (in pony form of course)

Residence: Normally he lives in Cloudsdale with his mother and father, often times his big sister Cat Napper is left to watch him in her current residence, Ponyville.

Occupation: Being an annoying, hyper little tag along to his sister and her companions.

Likes: LOVES the Wonderbolts, they get him so excited every time he even hears mention of them. Stormy weather fascinates him, the little guy loves taking tours of the weather factory with his family more than anything in the world. He seemingly never tires out and loves to romp and play with other little colts his age, but when he does there's nothing that'll keep him from falling asleep on his sister or one of her friends. He's a clingy little bugger, always holding onto somepony's tail or riding on somepony's back. It makes him feel safe being around ponies he trusts, and touching then in a nuzzle or a hug gives him a very protected sense. His clinginess and lack of a space bubble, though, can get very annoying to the others around him.

Dislikes: Being alone, he'll cry and scream until somepony comes along. There isn't much that he dislikes, being so new to the world the little guy is only fascinated with everything around him, which gets him into trouble very often.

Character Summary:

Being young, Dusty doesn't have much of a history about him. He was born to his mother Earth Angel and father Summer Solstice in Cloudsdale and is currently living with his very, very tolerant older sister Cat Napper in Ponyville to have what her parents are calling "sibling bonding time" (in reality, Cat's almost certain that her mother and father simply wanted the little trouble maker out of their manes for a few months.)

Dust Devil is your average hyper little child, acting the way a four year old human child would. He's still learning how to speak and just barely has a grasp on his linguistic skills, he still stumbles over large words and speaks a bit slowly to correct himself. He's very proud of the words he knows, even though he sometimes uses the wrong words if they sound similar. Saying things like disposable, cunumber, refrigelator, and breeza in place of dispicable, cucumber, refrigerator and zebra are very common for him.

His fascination with weather and flight make his future as a weatherpony seem very realistic, though he seems to have is young mind set on joining the Wonderbolts before he gets out of grade school. Everything around him is brand new, and he has a foal's very short attention span which results in him zooming around and more often than not knocking over a merchant's stand or bumping into various ponies.

Since he tags along with his sister so often, poor Cat has her hooves full just keeping young Dusty from being yelled at or hurting himself with his little shenanigans.

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