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Bulwark {ready}


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Roleplay Type: Canterlot Chronicles

Name: Bulwark

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Light Brown

Coat: Very Light Gray

Mane/Tail: Dark brown in color, kept short and smooth, in the style of the Royal Guard

Physique: Bulwark is only slightly bigger than an average pony, and only about as strong.

Residence: Canterlot

Occupation: Royal Guard

Cutie Mark: A silver colored shield with an emblem of a white castle, styled like a Rook chess piece, on it.

History: Bulwark was born in Beakbreak City. His father was a foreman at the local shipyard, and his mother was a stay at home mom, given the good pay for a foreman. Bulwark loved both his parents, even if he didn't see his father too much. Most of his early life was somewhat rough and tumble, fights with bullies of all kinds were quite common. In school, Bulwark did fairly well in most fields, but he found history to be his favorite subject. Both in and out of school he loved to study the history of Equestria. One thing he read about the most, were the tales, legends, and stories about the Two Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. His young mind was enthralled by all their adventures, From overthrowing Discord, The Fall of the Crystal Empire, and countless others. In his eyes, they were more than just princesses, they were heros, heros that put most fictional ones to shame

After graduating school, Bulwark worked in the shipyards. But, wanting something more than the life that Beakbreak city seemed to offer, he started saving up to move. After a few months, he had enough to get a seat on an airship to any part of Equestria he wanted. He chose the first airship to Canterlot he could find. It was bittersweet, seeing his hometown fade into the horizon, but knowing he had a whole new life ahead.

Arriving in Canterlot, Bulwark was overwhelmed by the beauty of the Equestrian capital. He was amazed that the whole city hung on the side of a mountain, overlooking all of the land. Even before he stepped off the airship, he already had a plan. He joined the Royal Guards on the day after his arrival. Currently, He lives in a small apartment in downtown Canterlot. Working as a guard has been great for Bulwark, he loves the work and being able to serve the Princesses he had read so much about as a foal.

Cutie Mark Story: It was during his school days that he earned his Cutie Mark. One day, while walking home with one of his friends, they were confronted by a group of bullies; ponies, gryphons, and even a teenage dragon. They demanded Bulwark and his friend hand over their money, or they would make them sorry. Bulwark only had a few bits, and his friend had none on him. The bullies didn't like this, and said they were going to teach them a lesson. Before they could get a hold of Bulwark's friend, Bulwark tackled the dragon, and told his friend to run. The bullies, angered by this, started to beat on Bulwark, but the earth pony never backed down. While he was never able to fight back very well, he was able to keep standing even after the bullies decided that he wasn't worth the effort and left. It was as Bulwark limped home that he saw his Cutie Mark had appeared, and he what his talent was, protecting others from harm.

Character Summary: Bulwark is a fairly open, friendly pony. Very few things can make him upset, but one thing guaranteed to set him off is insulting the princesses. He is fiercely loyal to them, and to his friends. While on duty though, he remains as stoic as he can, but that's just part of the job for him. While he is not much stronger than even a normal pony, he can withstand more punishment than most other ponies, even other guards. He can keep going after most other ponies would be down for the count. On his days off, he still loves to read about history, or take an early train and spend the weekend in Ponyville. Bulwark loves music. While not any kind of musical artist, he is fairly good at singing. One thing he loves is a good celebration, seeing as how there were never many of those in his old home town. One of the things he would consider his biggest flaw is mares. He is always nervous and awkward when talking to them, often babbling or rambling.

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Hello :D

Cool char so far, though i have a few things i think i should suggest to help you get this in.

1. I think you might need to seperate the CM story from the history, not sure on this one.

2. At the end of the history, you say that you work closely with the princesses, i think you should elaborate on that a little.

Thats all i can say, best of luck getting this in :D

Oh, and why do i always forget this, Disclaimer, i am NO RPH, just giving sme user to user advice :)

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Actually, I suggest you remove the bit about working close with the Princess all together, you could have your Guard love his job because he protects the royal family, but you seem to be implying he works very close with a specific princess, which is not allowed in CC or WOE =)

Note, not a RPH, either

(Though I used to be ;))

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Hi there!

The others here are giving you great advice, and I concur with their opinions.

This app is very close to being ready for the next step, just needs a bit more fine tuning!


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