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Night Prism {Ready}


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Night Prism

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye colour: Periwinkle

Coat: Pure Black

Mane/Tail: Prism’s mane is black with streaks of periwinkle in it, long and usually a mess when not kept in a long tight, thick braid against her neck, that falls over her shoulder. Her tail is the same as her mane, long and usually in a braid.

Physique: For a mare, she is quite small. Prism is strong for her kind, as she works hard and exercises everyday.

Residence: Ponyville

Occupation: Gem Collector/ Seller

Cutie Mark: A periwinkle diamond

History: Night Prism grew up in Ponyville. Her mother had passed on when she was very young. Growing up with only her father, Dark Twister, Night Prism became much of a tomboy and grew up quickly. She wasn’t really that sociable with other ponies her age, as she felt that she had grown up faster than they had; they didn’t understand how it was to live alone, especially when your dad had the night shift at work and slept all day.

One day her whole life changed; she came home from school and couldn’t find her father. Scared of what might happen to her small family, Night Prism waited two weeks for her father to return. On the third week, she told her teacher what had happened; her father had abandoned her. Night Prism soon found herself in a orphanage, and was in said orphanage for most of her young life. For the longest time, she put little to no effort into finding something that might trigger her cutie mark.

A trip to the local library soon changed that. She found a book on gems, and couldn’t stop reading it. She took the book out many times, and soon memorized it. Gems became her obsession, and using her magic, she was able to find a small gem in the backyard of the orphanage. She kept this gem with her everywhere she went, until she could name what it was; finally her research revealed it was a blue violet tanzanite gem. Night Prism loved the gem, as it was the same color as the color of her eyes and the streaks in her mane. She was able to string it on a necklace and wore it everywhere she went proudly. It was her most precious possession. Night Prism found herself waking up the next day with a periwinkle colored diamond cutie mark.

Finally old enough to leave the orphanage, Night Prism made it her mission to travel all Equestria and see all the gems she could find. She made friends with Diamond Dogs across Equstria, trading gems from the far reaches of Rockwington, the mountains near Beakbreak City, and the mountains of Stalliongrad.

After a few years of traveling and trading gems, Night Prism found herself back in Ponyville. With the money she had made in her travels, she settled down and opened up a small shop, selling gems of all kinds, that the Diamond Dogs from all about Equestria would send to her. She still traded with them, part of the agreement to even get the precious gems.

But it was worth it, to travel, and make friends with creatures who normally don’t deal with ponies. Friendship proved it could bloom anywhere, even when dealing with Diamond Dogs, and their precious gems.

Character Summary: Night Prism is a kind pony who had a rough start at life, but it shaped her into an adventurous, fun loving pony who is a bit of a tomboy. She grew up too fast, but it all worked out in the end; she could easily take care of herself. Traveling Equestria made Night Prism open to all sorts of life, and she studied under many different ponies learning about the gems she loved to work with. Traveling around Equestria and making friends everywhere really made her open up, and she cherishes all the friends she now has.

She learned much in her travels, her strengths and weaknesses; most of the time she was a great bargainer; but if someone let out the puppy eyes she would back down. She also learned when it was time to let go of something and move on in life, a good lesson to learn. She loves working in her shop, and is a lot more socible than she was in her younger years. She now loves to work with other ponies to use her gems to create beautiful things. Night Prism dislikes working with ponies who think they can bamboozle her, and get gems for a lot less than they are worth because they think she is young and naive.

She still has her first ever gem, the blue violet tanzanite gem, but now it is enlaid in a silver necklace that is always around her neck. It's her good luck charm, and she wouldn't trade it for any other gem in Equestria. If she forgets to put it on (which is rare) she feels nervous and is totally off her game for the day.

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Hi there!

This app has a lot going for it! Well written with all of the required fields filled in and although her backstory is kind of sad, I believe it's acceptable in CC.

Two things I see that need improvement on this app. First of all, the cutie mark story lacks detail. Needs more elaboration, as does the Character Summary section. The more you can tell us about your character, the more we can see what you see in her!

Great start, just needs a bit more fine tuning!


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Looks like you've done well with this app!

Now I believe there's enough here to pass!

Recommending this app for further Senior RPH analysis!


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