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Hi everypony...


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About Myself: Hello, I guess I should mention I am a girl. And...Well, some of my hobbies are general writing stories, fanfics and even poems on my darker days. I also draw too! I have two cats and two dogs who are equally all adorable! I am from the United States and I love the beach. My current career is working as an ebay seller(on ebay! LOL). I would like to try to get into voice acting on youtube, maybe doing a Rarity impersonation voice or Fluttershy. Definitely Twilight... I have a few speedpaints on there too. I am working on an animation series for youtube currently but that is more like a paused work-in-progress. I can act like it's my destiny! So, I'd probably have two drama masks as a cutiemark... Yeah, so if you get to know me, I will most likely be the most down to earth person you will meet!

How I found Canterlot.com: I entered www.canterlot.com in the address bar(seriously) and this site came up! LOL

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was watching youtube vids and came across MLP:FIM Pinkie's party for Diamond Tiara, I watched the episode and I was instantly hooked(with some speculation). After that I found the canon songs and my pegasister fandom blossomed and bloomed!!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity
However, the one question I have about this site, is what is roleplay? I know dumb question... I wanna get into it but I read the Rules and FAQ but I still can't wrap my head around what it is...

Is it like acting out stuff? Plus, how do you get into this kind of thing?

Welp, I kind of joined this site to do rp and meet new bronies and pegasisters and meet some new friends and people!! Woo!

So, I hope you guys have a great day and...

Stay pony my friends! <-- I love that saying! :)

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Welcome to Canterlot! Have a welcome muffin! *Gives muffin*

To answer your question... (Not an easy one, for me at least.) A Roleplay (Hereon shortened to RP) is, basically, where a group of people come together and tell out a story, using their own characters. You could consider it like co-writing a story. The main author (In this case, the person who created the RP to begin with) has the plotline set out, and almost always has a character of his/her self. This person kicks off the plot, along with the co-authors (In this case, the other people who joined the RP) who contribute. I'm 100% certain I missed something... but I'm sure the other helpful people of Canterlot will help you, and fill in the gaps of my explanation!

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