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Hello everyone, this is my introduction!


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About Myself: I love video games, Japanese media (anime, manga, light novels, Vocaloid, etc.), roleplaying, food, and that's it I guess.

How I found Canterlot.com: Googled "My Little Pony Roleplay"

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My best friend joked about it once, and I became curious and tried it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle
I'm a quiet guy from Romania. I spend most of my time at home, studying, and when I'm free I always play video games or watch/read something.

I quite enjoy writing as well, I sometimes write fanfictions or roleplay.

At school, I'm a great student. I almost always get top marks, with some exceptions.

I also have an unusual "hobby": learning languages. I'm currently fluent in Romanian (native) and English, and I'm still learning French and Japanese. I study French at school, and it's kinda meh. However, Japanese is amazing and I study it by myself at home. I got quite far with it, and I'm proud that I reached this level all by myself.

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Hello! Nice to meet you! How are you handling learning the Japanese Kanji? I was once a Japanese student but I hit a wall with the kanji I couldn't overcome, haha. ^^;

I really love the language, and I want to be able to understand what I always do in my free time. So yeah, I can overcome the difficulty of the kanji with motivation.

And thank you everyone for welcoming me!

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Hey! You know other languages! Thats so cool!

Are you able to watch Raw Anime? ....just askin....

Ohh! I know another language too! But were kinda forced too cause it our native language sooo...yeah! :D

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Hey! You know other languages! Thats so cool!

Are you able to watch Raw Anime? ....just askin....

Ohh! I know another language too! But were kinda forced too cause it our native language sooo...yeah! :D

Nope, there are still some words and phrases that I can't understand. And reading is always easier than listening when it's not in your native language.

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Ah! A Romanian! One of my best friends is from Bucaresti. I've learned Japanese, but I don't use it nearly enough to be fluent (not any more at least). I used to translate manga once upon a time (and help translate anime, but not as much, I was only used in a pinch). I used to be able to watch anime raw but not so much anymore...

Welcome to Canterlot. Hope you enjoy it here :)

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Do you think you could teach me some phrases? I love japanese and anime....and manga......and other stuff :)

Sure, we can do that through PMs if you really want. I'd recommend you to learn words though, because there's a chance you won't hear that phrase at all, or it will be slightly different. You'll be able to make sentences on your own with those words, and you'll definitely hear them at some point, and you'll be like "I understand that word! So he said something about (word)".

There are some useful phrases though, which you'll hear a lot, such as "Thank you very much." I'll definitely teach you these.

Ah! A Romanian! One of my best friends is from Bucaresti. I've learned Japanese, but I don't use it nearly enough to be fluent (not any more at least). I used to translate manga once upon a time (and help translate anime, but not as much, I was only used in a pinch). I used to be able to watch anime raw but not so much anymore...

Welcome to Canterlot. Hope you enjoy it here :)

That's good to hear, is he on Canterlot as well?

I think that I will get quite far with my Japanese, my passion for all those stuffs is still as strong as new. And I'm also not limited only to anime/manga like some others are, I aldo play tons of Japanese games and read light novels, which will make my passion last longer I hope. I can't get bored with all of these...yet. :P

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He isn't a pony fan at all. Oh man... LNs... Those are the only novels I was able to read raw. I tried reading a newspaper once... it didn't work out so well...

As for games, give me a dictionary and I can play most RPGs....Otherwise... I'll stick to translations lol.

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