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Greetings, Hi, Wazzup


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About Myself: I'm some person who sits on the internet with no life. The rest is below, if you're still somehow interested in me

How I found Canterlot.com: I literally just looked up "My Little Pony Roleplay" and here I am, typing at this very being second

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Like most; watching it on YouTube since it was everywhere and I got curious about it. And then you say "Oh really, Sherlock?"

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
To be honest I don't know what else to put here. I mean, I'm a very average human being. There's nothing special about that. Well, I'm some person who sits on the internet. What else? For hobbies, I'd say I love drawing and roleplay. Digital art mostly, but I tend to doodle in notebooks or plain paper. I'm also hugely obsessed with Owl City music. Indie in general- it's lovely to the ears.

Something interesting, something interesting...yeah, I have nothing else. That's it really ;u;""

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Hello and welcome to canterlot :)

And who is not obessed with owl city, i listen to all his music every day.... like, multiple times lol, Owl City easily makes some of my favorite music :)

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