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To read this thread, or not to read this thread. That is the question.


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About Myself: I enjoy stuff and things and the like, drawing, figure skating, being creative, and other stuff. Texas.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for another RP site

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I fell in love with it the moment I saw it on the Hub, the very first day it aired.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
Why hello there. I see you've decided to check out my little post. How wonderful! Now you'll know a little bit about me.

I, the admin of my lovely little wonderful bunch of OCs, enjoy drawing, stuff and things and such, discussing things such as but not limited to: Headcanons, character ideas, anything MLP related, as well as anything not MLP related.

I'm always looking to strike up a conversation with anyone willing to take the time to talk to me. (It gets a bit lonely here)

No, I'm not just starting to RP. Yes, I'm new to this site even though I made this account a couple months ago.

I do hope to find some nice RPs here so I can do some Character Development for a couple of my OCs. They are crying to get something new and interesting and I think this site and all the people here is the answer to their cry for help!

(Nope. just my cry for help.


I look forward to speaking with you all,

<3 Random Person

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Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the welcomes and greetings of outrageous ponies, or to take up arms against the sea of those who would not welcome you.

Anyway, welcome to Canterlot! Have a welcome muffin! *Tosses muffin*

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