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1 minute ago, DreamySunday said:

XP, Other wall papers don't do that and yours didn't do that before yesterday. I had the chibi team portrait until now. But when I tried to switch back to it it was all messed up.

Alright then, I'll dig around the internet to find a solution.

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1 hour ago, DreamySunday said:

Guess you really want me using your pictures eh? :P;) 

:iconannoyeddotdotdotplz: How did you get to that conclusion. And here I thought I was solving a problem so that people with Windows XP (if there are any left) can use my wallpapers :iconmiseryplz:

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Have you tried checking your Accessibility/Display options? Or you could try going through this page, it should work for windows XP too.




Convert image to sRGB.

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