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RWBY ((OOC discussion+sign ups))

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"You don't stop them so you're just as guilty, you could take a step forwards for others, but selfish Andrea cares only to stroke her little ego. You know, I wonder how your parents feel about..Ops, I shouldn't have said that~"

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" Oh! Oh! How awful of me. How dare I don't put on a cape and cowl and go beat up bad guys. How dare I not do the job of the police for them. Oh whow is me. Get real kitty, I don't intervene because it's not my problem. If I got bullied I'd just take care of it myself. No need to go out killing anything that isn't inhuman. But hey, That's just how I was raised I guess. At least I have a mother. Your Mom probably just birthed your litter and ran. "

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*Snorts down at Andrea* "And here we see your arrogance Andrea, it's not your problem so you close your eyes and pretend it doesn't exist? Years they picked on me, no one stopped them, years they beat me up, pegged me with rocks, sticks, and no one did anything, not the police, the teachers, not even my parents"

*Drops down from ceiling* "My Mother, as you'd call her, is dead and i'm thankful for it. Maybe yours and heres would do well together in the afterlife Human"

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