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Hey everyone. Sorry about this. I know, I'm a slow poke, I know you guys are usually always waiting on me and that can get seriously annoying. Although I like RPing, and especially like this one, in recent memory I've never been a particularly quick one. And for that, I apologize.


I was just going to let Pretzalponys post lay where it was. But then I started feeling bad. I figured you guys needed an explanation. Now let me preface this by saying I hope not to be gone for to long but that I have to for my own well being. But anyway, The reason for my absence is not a connection issue. But rather it is a reason of grief. One of my closest friends committed suicide yesterday and well, coping with that has been pretty hard. I hope to not keep you guys waiting to long but I trust that you understand that I need a little time for myself.


Thank you, and please always remember, people care about you, it's never to late to talk about it, and that suicide is a very permanent solution to temporary problems.


Love you all
















On 10/14/2016 at 6:28 PM, Pretzelpony said:




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Take all the time you need oki? And don't feel guilty for taking time, less so given whats occurred. Please take all the time you need to get yourself better.


If you want to speak, if that helps at all, i'm happy to talk. (I don't know you that well to know how you prefer to cope). Take all the time you need Dreamz, please. I'd rather no rp and you being oki, then an rp and you struggling. We love you, or, I do at least. I'd offer more words, but, i'm bad at wording stuff sometimes.

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I'm sorry to hear such terrible news, I truly am. For now, don't worry about posting or anything related to the roleplay. Take all the time you need to think about things, we're in no rush at all so don't worry. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do to make you feel better, but feel free to talk to me and I'll help you to the best of my ability. I hope you and everyone who knew your friend will feel better soon, events like this are indeed hard to swallow. 


There when you need her and even when you don't,


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Thanks guys. your words really do mean a lot to me. I hope none of you have to go through something like this. I'll see if I can do something tomorrow. I really need to get my mind off of things. All I did today was sleep, bath, and sulk. Over and over.





18 minutes ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

gorilla warfare..." 


Guerrilla warfare... I mean, I get the whole faunus/animal thing but...

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6 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

Thanks guys. your words really do mean a lot to me. I hope none of you have to go through something like this. I'll see if I can do something tomorrow. I really need to get my mind off of things. All I did today was sleep, bath, and sulk. Over and over.

As much as i'd hate to say it, I know from experience that that isn't a bad day sometimes. Recover in your own way and for however long. While mine wasn't the same, it was similar and my coping was burying myself so deep into my video games and novel/fanfiction that I got put on night patrol for several weeks.


7 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

Guerrilla warfare

I can't spell and i'm tired, bite me

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1 hour ago, DreamySunday said:

Thanks guys. your words really do mean a lot to me. I hope none of you have to go through something like this.

It was attempted suicide from my experience, so it's close but still far from what you are experiencing right now. My head was filled with "why?" for an entire day, so I decided to try and get used to the anxious feeling I had by watching a Disney marathon...

1 hour ago, DreamySunday said:

I'll see if I can do something tomorrow. I really need to get my mind off of things.

Feel better soon, don't push yourself when you don't need to either. :catbug: 

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25 minutes ago, Dabom444 said:

Feel like I shouldn't be in these roleplays cause I got no good round characters. Aisha is like a flat piece of paper. ^~^

Maybe develop her throughout the roleplay? Something to make her more...3D?

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25 minutes ago, Dabom444 said:

But I is too far into roleplay to drop a backstory. 

Do you watch the show? There is an episode (volume 3 chap 7) that showed how Mercury and Emerald came to Cinder's side and how Cinder got her abilities. It was shown quite recently in the series, so I don't think it's too late for Aisha to have a flashback. Perhaps watching the episode will give you an idea?

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4 minutes ago, PyroBlaze said:

I think you do just fine. I enjoy rping with you. 

I agree. Plus, it is through practice that you can get better at roleplaying, this roleplay can give you just that. :catbug: 

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Explanation of Aisha's semblance. 


She has two forms. 


Shield combat form. With her tower shield. 


Fighting form with her gauntlets. 


Shield form and fighting form all have 3shields including her base aura field. 


Shield form and fighting form both slowly Regen the layers of extra shield she has. However. 


Shield form has stronger shields and no vampiric Regen like fighting form. 


Fighting form has weaker shields. But when broken down to her last aura field she can move faster and if she lands blows she can steal aura energy to Regen her shields. 


Shield form cannot do that. Instead she is much tougher to break down. 


To beat her is like beating yang. One or many hard hits that crumble her before she can react. She is like yang but with her,the more damage she takes the faster she gets before her shields come back up. 


Think of the fields being very heavy but durable. When they are gone she loses the "weight" and fights harder and faster. 

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