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RWBY ((OOC discussion+sign ups))

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On 12/17/2015 at 11:57 AM, DreamySunday said:

If Pyro gets a turn... Expect some... Shenanigans <3

On 12/17/2015 at 0:38 PM, PyroBlaze said:

What's that supposed to mean?

On 12/17/2015 at 1:08 PM, DreamySunday said:


On 12/17/2015 at 2:32 PM, PyroBlaze said:

Hmm... *Squints suspiciously*

On 12/17/2015 at 2:58 PM, DreamySunday said:

You'll see. Just face your opponent and watch out ;)

On 12/17/2015 at 3:12 PM, PyroBlaze said:

Who says I'll use Tehengu? Maybe I'll use someone else just to spite you! Nyah! :P

On 12/17/2015 at 3:23 PM, DreamySunday said:

I'll wait :3


I hope you didn't forget. But I certainly didn't. :3c 

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So! As soon as I first posted about Elizabeth Chrysler, I shoved away all in-progress art I've been doing and drew this instead (Symphy is a bad girl).





While drawing this, I thought that I should use Ellie for the train fighting part during the breach. But I wanted to make things more interesting, so here it is:


Symphy hereby challenges the participants of the RWBY roleplay to come up with a character for the scene on the train. The character can be anything as long as they fit this criteria:

  • Character must have White Fang colours for their outfit and weapon (White, black, burgundy, all shades of grey)
  • Simple clothing is recommended as the White Fang isn't an army with a high budget (like General Ironwood's). Plus, armor that looks like it could be from Gundam is just...just please no, you'll see why later.
  • Be creative with their weapon, but no dust (if you know why bonus 5 Monokuma tokens)!
  • No abilities that can make a crater bigger than a rasen shuriken's!(Naruto reference upupu!)
  • Your character could be either human or faunus, but I'd like this to be as canon as possible, meaning that faunus can only have one animal trait. 
  • This isn't really related, but try to be creative with the shape of the mask. Does it cover the whole face? Does it only cover half of the face?
  • Can't think of anything else. But ask if you are not sure about something!

The way you are going to submit this is with a regular old app, minus the history and personality of the character. Symphy would also like you to be extremely detailed with your app, describe everything down to the last seam on their clothes (I'm kidding about the seams)! Closed next Monday 9:00pm GMT (UNLESS REQUESTED FOR AN EXTENSION).


The winner will receive a head-to-waist illustration of their character or any character they use in the roleplay! Symphy doesn't know if you guys want her art, so if you don't you can have 1,000 imaginary Monokuma tokens!


Symphy is doing this because her creativity juice is gone. She can't design anymore good characters until she gets more.





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Ok first of all, omg that image is amazing. Secondly i'm now excited!


Well, i'll need some time to create a character, if I can ask. I presume the character we create will be a combatant on the train (like with the lt, nero and torch) and that we control them, will we be fighting others or ourselves? (Mostly asking bc if we fight 'ourselves', I can make the combat emotional with Midi and a friend from Fang)



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12 minutes ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

Ok first of all, omg that image is amazing. Secondly i'm now excited!

Upupu~! Thank you very much! I'm excited because you're excited.


12 minutes ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

Well, i'll need some time to create a character, if I can ask. I presume the character we create will be a combatant on the train (like with the lt, nero and torch) and that we control them, will we be fighting others or ourselves? (Mostly asking bc if we fight 'ourselves', I can make the combat emotional with Midi and a friend from Fang)

You have a week, but if everyone says it's not enough, I'll give you guys another week. You're right and you will be controlling them, but if you want to "fight with yourself" then that is totally fine. But the thing is I'm keeping Torchwick because he is a key character, so whether Midi fights a friend or Torchwick is entirely up to you!

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Just now, SymphonicFire said:

You have a week, but if everyone says it's not enough, I'll give you guys another week. You're right and you will be controlling them. But the thing is I'm keeping Torchwick because he is a key character, so whether Midi fights a friend or Torchwick is entirely up to you!

So the character I create could be the one Midi has to engage against? Hmmmm, well i'll create the one (Although i'm struggling so hard atm to think of a animal we haven't overdone) and, if we (somehow) don't have enough, i'll create a few spares in case. But I gotta get my first one done

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5 minutes ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

So the character I create could be the one Midi has to engage against? Hmmmm, well i'll create the one (Although i'm struggling so hard atm to think of a animal we haven't overdone) and, if we (somehow) don't have enough, i'll create a few spares in case. But I gotta get my first one done

We have had wolf teeth, cat ears, and a tail from the fight club (I think). Maybe it's time for horns? *hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*

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Just now, SymphonicFire said:

We have had wolf teeth, cat ears, and a tail from the fight club (I think). Maybe it's time for horns? *hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*

Hm, well I opted into (Another) feline with a Leopard, but her marks aren't ears. I've got Leopard spots and leopard teeth, i'll have my first draft posted in maybe an hour? Maybe less. Depends how creaste and indetail I get

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On 10/24/2016 at 9:17 PM, SymphonicFire said:

So! As soon as I first posted about Elizabeth Chrysler, I shoved away all in-progress art I've been doing and drew this instead (Symphy is a bad girl).




I'd like to start by saying friggin awesome!


But the reason I went into the backlog was your post made me remember something. I couldn't find it. But I do remember I mentioned something about apping a Fanger. Guess I forgot to post it >.> But what ever! All that was to say that I was unintentionally prepared for this!


Name: Ursus Arctos


Gender: Male.


Race: Faunus (Long durable nails/claws.)


Appearance: Being 6'5" and 202 lbs of muscle, Ursus is quite large. His hair is brown and outrageously short. Ursus also wields some scruffy stubble that is the same colour as his hair. His eyes are hidden beneath his Grimm mask but if they weren't you would see green. As for clothing, Ursus wears the aforementioned grim mask. This Grimm mask looks mostly the same except for the two "wings" that curve down his cheeks and toward his chin. Ursus also wears black and gray pieces of armor on his shoulders, knees, feet and lower back. The armor pieces very much look like they have seen better days. The parts that do not have armor on them instead have burgundy animal hides with their furs still attached. This man dresses almost exclusively for fear and combat. 


Weapon: When fighting, Ursus tended to use nothing but his claws and close ranged. So in an attempt to improve it, Ursus wears steel clawed gloves. As for dust, Ursus considers dust an after thought. If he has any he will use it. Otherwise he does not usually bring any with him.


Fighting Style: Ursus Fights with pure animistic ferocity. Dashing and leaping a ripping into his opponents with joy. given his size, Ursus is quite the tank. He is able to take ridiculous amounts of damage and dish out just as much. Despite this, Ursus is still quite fast being able to dart from target to target like nobody's business. Ursus will frequently employ his semblence in a battle even if he doesn't really need it. His semblence, the berserker, doubles his already impressive strength, speed and durability but at the cost of his already weak sanity.


Personality: Despite being a loner, Ursus is quite loyal. Willing to follow the people he considers his brethren off of a cliff if need be. Ursus also harbors deep resentment for humanity. He considers them disgusting wastes of space whose only use is to be torn into. He feels very similarly for faunus he's deemed traitorous. along with all of this, Ursus being very confrontational and abrasive, is usually not pleasant to be around.

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1 minute ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

Hm, well I opted into (Another) feline with a Leopard, but her marks aren't ears. I've got Leopard spots and leopard teeth, i'll have my first draft posted in maybe an hour? Maybe less. Depends how creaste and indetail I get

Hmm, could we maybe stick with one animal trait? It's just that so far the faunus in the show seem to only have one animal trait so I wanted to keep things as canon as possible. Sorry >.< I guess I should add that to the criteria...

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1 minute ago, SymphonicFire said:

Hmm, could we maybe stick with one animal trait? It's just that so far the faunus in the show seem to only have one animal trait so I wanted to keep things as canon as possible. Sorry >.< I guess I should add that to the criteria...

Fair nuff, good bye teeth

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12 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

I'd like to start by saying friggin awesome!

I know I am  :icononionpinnochioplz: Just kidding (not entirely)

13 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

But the reason I went into the backlog was your post made me remember something. I couldn't find it. But I do remember I mentioned something about apping a Fanger. Guess I forgot to post it >.> But what ever! All that was to say that I was unintentionally prepared for this!

Image result for anime clap gif

14 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

Name: Ursus Arctos


Gender: Male.


Race: Faunus (Large cuspid teeth, long durable nails/claws.)


Appearance: Being 6'5" and 202 lbs of muscle, Ursus is quite large. His hair is brown and outrageously short. Ursus also wields some scruffy stubble that is the same colour as his hair. His eyes are hidden beneath his Grimm mask but if they weren't you would see green. As for clothing, Ursus wears the aforementioned grim mask. This Grimm mask looks mostly the same except for the two "wings" that curve down his cheeks and toward his chin. Ursus also wears black and gray pieces of armor on his shoulders, knees, feet and lower back. The armor pieces very much look like they have seen better days. The parts that do not have armor on them instead have brown animal hides with their furs still attached. This man dresses almost exclusively for fear and combat. 


Weapon: When fighting, Ursus tended to use nothing but his claws and close ranged. So in an attempt to improve it, Ursus wears steel clawed gloves. As for dust, Ursus considers dust an after thought. If he has any he will use it. Otherwise he does not usually bring any with him.


Fighting Style: Ursus Fights with pure animistic ferocity. Dashing and leaping a ripping into his opponents with joy. given his size, Ursus is quite the tank. He is able to take ridiculous amounts of damage and dish out just as much. Despite this, Ursus is still quite fast being able to dart from target to target like nobody's business. Ursus will frequently employ his semblence in a battle even if he doesn't really need it. His semblence, the berserker, doubles his already impressive strength, speed and durability but at the cost of his already weak sanity.


Personality: Despite being a loner, Ursus is quite loyal. Willing to follow the people he considers his brethren off of a cliff if need be. Ursus also harbors deep resentment for humanity. He considers them disgusting wastes of space whose only use is to be torn into. He feels very similarly for faunus he's deemed traitorous. along with all of this, Ursus being very confrontational and abrasive, is usually not pleasant to be around.

So far super good! I know I just added one more, but...did you read my post carefully?  :iconrelievedplz:

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