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Ok so I added personality mostly because 1: I couldn't stop myself and 2: If Kaina fights Slash/Midi then it'll be an interesting conversation. This is sorta a rough draft, but i'm happy with it currently so if there aren't any huge errors with it i'm gunna take a quick break, do some uni stuff, then poke around another character idea. <3


Name: Kaina Solano ‘The Ultimate Samurai’


Gender: Female


Race: Faunus. Part Leopard. Kaina has several spots across her body which signal her as a leopard. (These spots don’t cover her entire body like a leopard, but are more inconsistent)


Appearance: Kaina stands at only 5’5 with tanned white skin and black leopard spots peppering it. Her face is smooth and gentle with only her noise having a sharp indent on the tip, and her body is of a relatively lithe nature. Her arms aren’t very long, but have clear signs of strength from continues exercise just above the shoulder and both arms have this muscle. Her body slimes down, lacking much in terms of development around her chest area. Her legs are longer than her arms, seemingly disproportionate to the rest of her body. Her legs, much like her arms, show clear signs of exercise and strength.

Her eyes, which are often hidden under her mask, are a soft gentle left green. Her hair, which is cut short and spiked, is a shining silver colour.


Clothing: Kaina is a specialist among the White Fang, and a teacher to many. For this reason she wears almost robe like clothing. Her pants are loosely fitting, offering the girl plenty in terms of mobility. On her feet she wears military style combat boots, which she acquired after several raids against the Atlas military. As for her top half, she remains with her robed style. Her shirt is lose fitting, and out of combat she’ll done a cloak around herself.

All of her clothing has the insignia of the White Fang. Her boots have it on the side, her pants trailing up the side and on the back of her cloak and shirt, painted blood red. Her pants are a clean white while her shirt and cloak are both a darker grey.

She, like all Faunus, wears the mask of a monster. However she wears a customized one, bright white that covers her forehead, sloping down over her cheeks and finishing under her chin, almost like a helmet. On the part of the helmet that, when running down the side of her face, comes parallel to her eyes is an extention. It continues down but also extends to that are mask covers her eyes, connecting in the middle like glasses. The 'glasses' part of the mask is painted with red insignia's and with darkened contact class meaning she is capable of seeing out, but her opponents can't see in

The eye covers serve as glasses which Kaina needs in order to see long-distance.


Kaina dresses like this due to her role as a teacher, and to compliment her weapon and fighting style.  


Weapon: Kaina dresses as a traditional armour-less samurai, and her arsenal is complementary to this style.

She wields a large Katana blade, which she keeps attached to her waist. Her weapon, nicknamed ‘Celaena’, is a long sharp blade that extends 70 cm’s, and along the blade is etched an oath, coated into the blades metal with red. Her handle of the weapon is of a wooden construction of her own design, build to allow her easy use of the weapon and both long distance and close range.


‘I am the blade that will cut through the twistedness. I am the blade that will remove the corruption from this world. I am the blade that will free the Faunus’ –Insignia from ‘Celaena’


Fighting Style: Kainia is a duelist samurai, and her fighting style is a rather simple one. She carries only her single blade, arming herself with no dust, no tricks. She will exchange blows with her opponent, keeping them at a distance due to the length of her blade, forcing skirmishes but not hard engaging against her opponent. She will use this time to study her opponent, their style, their strengths and weaknesses, delaying and ‘dragging out’ fights that perhaps she could end quickly. After discovering her opponents weakness, she strikes, using the length of her blade to attack continually without offering a counter-strike. She is extremely quick on her feet once she takes to the offense. However, when she feels she has bested an opponent, she will allow them to surrender. Her fight is a duel to see the best, not to the death. If her opponent refuses to give in however, she is more than happy to run them through with her blade.


Personality: A Faunus who only ever wanted to help others, she joined the Fang before it turned violent and spent her time rallying and educating Faunus about life, as well as attempting to teach Humans how Faunus and themselves aren’t too different. Despite her efforts, she felt like her message was being ignored by the humans.

When Grim came to power and shifted the White Fang from a peaceful protesting group into a structured military, Kaina was actually one of the Faunus to disapprove of the radical shift. She tried to preach peace, before it became clear to the girl peace was no longer an option. Refusing to leave the Fang, she became a teacher. She taught Faunus how to fight, to protect, to kill. Mentoring hundreds, if not more, of White Fang warriors during her time, she started to act as a guardian to Grim, both militarily and strategy.

Despite how humans see her, Kaina is pleased with role in the White Fang and has no intention to leave. She wishes to have an area where Faunus can live, free of human involvement. The killing of humans is required, and while her honor as a warrior says the killing of civilians is wrong, she is willing to make some suffer is the Faunus will prosper.


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22 minutes ago, SymphonicFire said:

Image result for anime clap gif


That Clap makes me feel uneasy.


22 minutes ago, SymphonicFire said:

So far super good! I know I just added one more, but...did you read my post carefully?  :iconrelievedplz:


I probably missed some spots. If you're talking about talking about the armor I was thinking more Old junk rather than Gundam. :P 

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9 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

I probably missed some spots. If you're talking about talking about the armor I was thinking more Old junk rather than Gundam. :P 

No no the armor is fine...I'll leave it to you to figure out what I'm talking about XD


24 minutes ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

...She, like all Faunus, wears the mask of a monster. However she wears a customized one, bright white that covers her forehead, sloping down over her cheeks and finishing under her chin, almost like a helmet. On the sides, the helmet extends over just her eyes from the side, which are painted red, making it impossible to see the colour of her eyes. The eye covers serve as glasses which Kaina needs in order to see long-distance.

What do the eye covers look like? 

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Just now, SymphonicFire said:

What do the eye covers look like? 

Just like the ones on the traditional Fang Helmets, thin lines that allow her to see, but the shading of the contact lens is darkened so you can see through, but can't be seen through by your opponent

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1 minute ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

Just like the ones on the traditional Fang Helmets, thin lines that allow her to see, but the shading of the contact lens is darkened so you can see through, but can't be seen through by your opponent

Ohh! I see!

33 minutes ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

On the sides, the helmet extends over just her eyes from the side, which are painted red, making it impossible to see the colour of her eyes.

Also could you add more details to this? I don't really understand. :4

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Well this is stupid. I had the app all typed up and then my internet cut out on me. Now I'll have to retype the whole thing...


Then again, maybe it's for the best. The weapon idea might have been a bit much. 

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Name: Xanmas Umbrus 


Gender: Male


Species: Human 


Appearance: Xan stands at about 6'0", with a very athletic build. He's not all that muscular, more agile than anything. He has white hair and dark tan skin. 


Clothing: He wears a tight-fitting long-sleeved shirt and pants, both black. They are fitted to allow for the maximum amount of movement without being baggy. The shirt also sports the white Fang symbol on the sleeves. He also wears a black cloak with the hood almost constantly up. His mask is a dark gray, just enough to be distinguishable from his cloak, and covers his entire face. The area around the eyes is blood red, looking like a pair of eyes unto itself. 


Weapon: Xan's weapon is a katana-like sword that can also turn into a silenced sniper rifle. He calls this blade "Sicarius", and on top of that carries throwing knives. 


Fighting Style: His style is misdirection and surprise attacks. He has the ability to create decoys of himself, which can't actually do damage, but they certainly look like they could. He uses these decoys to draw his enemy's attention somewhere and allow him to come in for an attack from a different angle. In most cases, he would prefer the enemy be dead or defeated in the first strike and never even know he was there. If he gets into an actual fight, he would use his decoys to asses the fighting style of the opponent while hiding safely, then go in to actually fight once he was satisfied with that part. 

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On a COMPLETELY unrelated note about the creation of Fang characters, I have a dilemnia about Rwby that I am in need of assitsnce on!


Context: My friends are wanting to do a cosplay, like, full out proper cosplay with props and stuff. So far we have Ruby, Yang and Blake.


Now, first problem: Me. Since i'm me, I can't be Weiss for a few reasons: Male, Red hair, wrong build. also I refuse to dye my hair.


So i'm stuck between Roman (Who I adore because he's like 'im a badguy and I love me') and Adam (Who I connect with because of fight for freedom and rights). Since both have red hair, i'm sorta just stuck between them.


To do Roman i'd need mostly to get a cane, his style of clothes and a hat and make it look proper

To do Adam, i'd need the mask (Hardest part I think), sword (Easy) and his clothing style (Easy).


What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards Adam but idk

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5 hours ago, Shadowbolt0 said:

On a COMPLETELY unrelated note about the creation of Fang characters, I have a dilemnia about Rwby that I am in need of assitsnce on!


Context: My friends are wanting to do a cosplay, like, full out proper cosplay with props and stuff. So far we have Ruby, Yang and Blake.


Now, first problem: Me. Since i'm me, I can't be Weiss for a few reasons: Male, Red hair, wrong build. also I refuse to dye my hair.


So i'm stuck between Roman (Who I adore because he's like 'im a badguy and I love me') and Adam (Who I connect with because of fight for freedom and rights). Since both have red hair, i'm sorta just stuck between them.


To do Roman i'd need mostly to get a cane, his style of clothes and a hat and make it look proper

To do Adam, i'd need the mask (Hardest part I think), sword (Easy) and his clothing style (Easy).


What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards Adam but idk

It looks like being Adam is easier as the mask is actually not difficult to make, plus you can easily get his sword and his clothes. But...how are you going to get the designs on his jacket? 


It would be funny if you got everything prepared and forgot his horns at the last minute XDD

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3 minutes ago, SymphonicFire said:

how are you going to get the designs on his jacket? 

Honestly that part looks easy enough, it's just looks like a double-coat over which isn't too complicated. I'd argue the mask to be hardest honestly since my practical craft skills is FAR from ideal.


Honestly i'm tempted to try Roman since it'll be quicker and easier, and i'm lowish on time. Also apparently our newest addition is planning to do a full Nero cosplay so we'd go together as partners in crime.

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