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RWBY ((OOC discussion+sign ups))

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Just now, PyroBlaze said:

Well, tonfas are actual weapons, that's just kinda a weird version of one. 

I know they are, but the way that it was designed makes it look less like a tonfa and more like a hand-held skip-it.

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2 minutes ago, DreamySunday said:

Remember several pages ago when I said I put one of your pics as my wallpaper and that all the colours got borked? Well I never found a solution. But it seems to have fixed itself just now :-I

:iconshockplz: That's amazing!

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Now it's time to announce the winner of the challenge! 


And the winner is...







Image result for anime yay gif


Thank you all for your submissions! This was truly a tough decision! 


Would the winner like an artwork of their submitted character or another one of their RWBY characters?

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7 minutes ago, PyroBlaze said:

If you don't mind, what did you think of my suggestion Symphy?

I thought it was great, especially Xan's weapon. I loved how his sword could turn into a sniper rifle and he has a unique fighting style. One thing that could be improved on is his appearance. There wasn't a really creative approach nor was there a variety of colour in his clothes as most of it (if not all) were dark in colour. Also, since this is set in a train compartment, it seems as though his fighting style is more suited for an open area so that his misdirection and decoys would be more effective. Over all it was good, but his clothes could have used more details so that it doesn't completely ruin the stealthy look you might have been going for. 


It's also good to see at least one human.

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