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Sapphire Blitz [Ready]


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Name: Sapphire Blitz

Gender: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Eye colour: Sapphire Blue

Character colour: Smoky Grey

Mane/Tail/Other: A mixture of different shades of blue, but not drastically so (like sky-blue versus sapphire blue). It falls lightly around her head and neck. Many who see it describe it as a waterfall.

Physique: About average for a mare of her age, if a bit slimmer than most.

Residence: Nowhere. Sapphire tends to travel from place to place when she can. She doesn't like to be in the same place for too long.

Occupation: She does odd jobs for money, as opposed to working for any one pony. She isn't very picky about what she does. In her mind, anything that gets her her bits is good enough.

Cutie Mark: Nothing more than a simple yin-yang symbol. It represents peace and being at-ease. Most importantly, however, it represents neutrality. Sapphire doesn't take sides, nor does she act unless provoked.

Unique Traits: Sapphire can usually be seen with a saddle-bag on, as it is necessary for holding the things she needs for travel. Of course, it holds everything she absolutely needs and little more. She doesn't have the room for things she wants, because she isn't strong enough to pull a cart everywhere she travels to.

Another thing she has become accustomed to during her travels is her hood. A light grey hood that she wears during her travels can sometimes be seen atop her head, simply due to the fact that she has forgotten to remove it. It is old and worn down, but she likes to think that it does the job that it is meant to, which is keep her head dry and the light out of her eyes.

History: Sapphire began the journey of life in a small town known as Ponyville. Her parents were a pair of simple farmers by the names of Blue Gorge and Rose Water. They were often said to be inseparable, which was one of the clearest things anypony could see about the couple. So it was only natural that they should start a family together.

The little filly they had was different from the start. She didn't cry, like most other newborns did, not even if she was hungry or tired. Sapphire didn't even cry when she felt she was in danger. Obviously, this worried her parents quite a bit. How would they know if anything was wrong or if she needed anything? The answer was simple enough; she would let them know. But not, of course, without attempting to fix the problem herself first. So many times they caught her climbing around the counters for milk or applesauce.

A few years later, Sapphire was attending school like other fillies and colts her age were. She made decent grades, had some good friends, and even got a coltfriend! They were close, almost more so than Sapphire's parents were! They grew up together, attended each others' parties, played games together, along with anything else they could possibly do together.

But this fantasy wouldn't last very long, as the colt found somepony else who he wanted to be with. It was the simple story of lost love. She wanted somepony to settle down with, but he didn't feel that way about her. So he left her for some other, older filly who he was "better suited" for. "It was probably for the better," she would say now.

But now wasn't then, and then she was furious. They never fought, never argued, loved each other, and spent every day together. How could he have just thrown all of that away for some other filly? The anger bubbled, bubbled, toiled, and troubled until the cauldron couldn't hold it in any longer. She saw the two of them together one year on Nightmare Night, dressed up and lips locked. She lost it. All she could remember the following day was charging at the filly and then swinging her hooves for her face.

Sapphire didn't care whether or not she won the fight, but the rest of town certainly seemed to. She had, apparently, hurt the filly's front leg in the fight, leaving her badly bruised and in serious pain. Nobody would speak to her, save for her parents, for a week. But that wasn't important. What was important was that she had gotten the anger out of her system and it could never hurt her again. But the damage was already done. Soon, Sapphire became a bit withdrawn from the world. She doesn't want anyone else to ever hurt her again, so she doesn't get too attached to anypony. She still talks and interacts with others, but she has difficulty forming any lasting relationships with any other ponies.

So she left Ponyville. If she couldn't make any friends then what would be the point in staying in any one place for too long? She now travels across Equestria, searching for nothing in particular and meeting nopony, in her opinion, worth keeping in touch with.

Cutie Mark Story: Following the events that took place on Nightmare Night, Sapphire became withdrawn from those around her. But she had gotten all of the anger out of her system, which was the important thing, as it helped her earn her cutie mark.

Only a few days after the incident, Sapphire began to wander the roads of Ponyville as she used to. But, as the event was still in every pony's mind, she was shunned for her wrong-doings. However this time, Sapphire cared little of what the other ponies thought of her. She had come to terms with what she had done, and knew that it was wrong to have beaten the other filly up, even if she hadn't hurt her like she did. Sapphire understood that it was an act of jealousy, nothing more, nothing less. Why couldn't anypony else?

After a couple of days of this same occurrence, Sapphire had become accustomed to this continuous routine. She didn't mind being ignored, so long as nopony bothered her. But, of course, there were always ponies who would mess with her, either in good ways or in bad.

For example, one day during the week of solitude, another colt, of about her age, dashed up to her. He told her that she was brave for standing up for herself the way she did, that he thought she was cool for showing those couple of "lovers" that they couldn't get the best of her. Of course, a deed like that could only be rewarded. How? By thanking him and giving him a small gift, of course! After all, it made her entire week! The next day, she gave the young colt a small medallion she had been given by her ex-coltfriend. Though, this was mostly for the fact that she couldn't stand the sight of it anymore.

But every nicety had it's own opposite, and her's came the following day. A group of bullies found her out for what she had done and gave her what, they thought, she deserved. They teased her, heckled her, and pushed her around for about an hour straight before they left her to her lonesome self again. Eventually, she returned the favor by setting a small booby-trap near the spot that the group had claimed, which succeeded, as the group of bullies were rushing home the following afternoon, covered in dripping dough.

When she had arrived home after completing the repayments, she found that she had, in fact, discovered her calling. A yin-yang symbol had found its home on her flank. It symbolized her neutrality, her desire to be on neither side, but in the middle. Though, this wasn't to say that she would never do anything if provoked. By her previous doings, she had proven that she would act if swayed, no matter what she had to do to make things balanced once more.

Character Personality: Sapphire is blunt and open. She does little in the way of keeping secrets of her own, but has no trouble keeping secrets of others. Most everything she says is straight-forward, and that isn't hard to figure out. She does have a bit of restraint when it comes to this, however. She isn't outright rude with what she says, but if she thinks a pony needs to know something, then he'll know it in a reasonable amount of time.

She has little in the way of real emotion. Her eyes never open more than half-way and her lips never form more than a frown or smirk. If anypony has ever seen her truly happy or sad, then it is because she trusts them, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

She has very few, if any, close friends. Of course, she has friends, but she believes that anypony can have friends. It takes something special to be a close friend, and she isn't very open to friendship as it is, so if you find yourself calling her one of your closest friends, you may want to rethink your opinion.

Character Summary: Sapphire is a smoky grey-colored young mare with a mane and tail that closely resembles a waterfall. Her eyes are a deep-set color of blue and she tends to walk around with her saddle-bags on and hood up. She has a cutie mark of a yin-yang symbol, which represents her neutrality on almost any matter, though she will fight back if provoked.

As of now, she isn't very open with how she feels or what she wants. She is often described as independent, but she does have friends. She has difficulty making new friends, which is simply due to the fact that she isn't very trusting of others because of her past with her ex-coltfriend. After a fight with another filly, she left Ponyville and began traveling Equestria because there would be no point in staying where she doesn't feel like she belongs.

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Hi there!

This app has much promise! All of the required fields are filled.

However, there are a few changes that will need to be made for it to be accepted.

First, this app lacks a Cutie Mark story. Having a detailed Cutie Mark story tells a lot about a pony's personality.

Second, need to scale down the violence a bit. CC is less strict about this, but still, just need to 'dial down' the violence some on this app.

Third, the sexual references need to be toned down as well. CC like WOE is 'family friendly', so just need to rewrite those parts too.

This is a very good app, just needs a bit of 'fine tuning'


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Thank you for your patience.

After consulting with other higher level staff, I will recommend this app for further Senior RPH analysis but one concern we have is this.

How well will this character interact with others?

Sapphire Blitz, the way this app reads, doesn't seem to be very social.

Are you planning to have her in RPing on this site?

Again, we ask only because we care.

"Friendship Is Magic" is more than just a name of the cartoon, it's what we try to aspire to here on Canterlot.com


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Awesome! Thanks!

Regarding your concern, I know that she doesn't seem like the social kind of pony. I'll admit that she won't go out of her way to interact with others, but she we won't outright ignore them. She will speak when spoken to, speak openly, and attempt to make friends, but she isn't very trusting, so it will be harder for her to make friends. To put it simply: she can talk and interact with others easily, but making friends is something she has trouble with, not because she doesn't say the right things or is mean, but because she has trouble trusting others enough. It has nothing to do with her conversation skills or the like.

Did that help? It's a little harder to explain than I thought... :?:

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