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Little Fangs


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Chapter 1 - An Unwanted Guest.

It was a dark and stormy Nightmare Night , the perfect night for telling horror stories , eat candies and make Tricks !

Or rather , it was the perfect night for almost everyone .

In his Cottage , Fluttershy had closed every door and window, so that nothing dangerous could get inside.

Although the most dangerous he could be is a big mosquito.

" don’t you forget something ? " said Discord while floating above Fluttershy.

" No , I don’ t think , ” Fluttershy answered, wondering if she had forgotten something.

" Not even a certain party ? " Said Discord.

“ A party ? ” Fluttershy asked, when she suddenly gasped and said, " Oh no, Twilight Special Nightmare Night Party ! "

" Hallelujah ! " exclaimed Discord, making confetti appear out of nowhere, " and tell me are you planning to stay here ? No, seriously, because it is a bit that I don’t go to a party of us beloved Princess Twilight. "

Fluttershy sighed and began to turn around, thinking and mumbling.

Shortly after, she sat down, looked at Discord, and said , " if you want, you can go"

" Will I remember you last year ? " Said Discord with very serious tone, " when you come to the library crying, soaking wet and cooled after the storm has turned off the lights in the house ? "

" Oh, right, " said Fluttershy disconsolate, "if only I had a way to call you, how does spike when it sends messages to Princess Celestia"

Discord sighed and began to think.

"So ," he said , " you need something that can contact me wherever I am. Possibly something small and manageable. Hmmm"

A few seconds passed in silence, punctuated only by the pouring rain and howling wind.

"AHA, EUREKA ! " exclaimed happy discord.

With a snap of his fingers, he materialized a small necklace with a blue diamond hanging.

"If you needed my help," he said, as he closed the necklace around the neck of Fluttershy, " think of me intensely and I will arrive here in a blink of an eye"

Fluttershy smiled, then stood up and hugged Discord.

"Thanks ," she said happily, " and say hello to the other !"

" Obviously , my dear, " Discord said happily.

Then , in a flash , he teleported.

Meanwhile, at the library ...

The others were just arriving and, punctually, they wondered where it was Fluttershy.

" perhaps remained at home, you know how it is " Twilight said.

" what a shame ," said Applejack.

"Oh no, now what ? Now that I had brought some delicious pastries with pumpkin ! " exclaimed wincing Rarity.

"Ah , don’t worry , " said Discord , " I will eat someone for her".

"Oh , Discord , " said Twilight cheerfully , " I'm happy that you were able to come , but ..."

" Where's Fluttershy ? " Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh , well , you know how , " Discord said with his usual tone, " storm , a moonless night , the fact that it is Nightmare night ... "

" ugh , okay , we get it " said again Rainbow Dash .

" I don’t ," said Pinkie Pie, " I missed at " moonless night " , could you repeat everything ? "

There was a moment of silence .

"uh , we' ll talk later , okay ? " said ironically Discord .

And so they began to party!

They went on to dance, to tell horror stories and also read some stories too .

Until ...

" Hey , what have you to your hoof ? " Asked Applejack while pointing Discord’s hoof , who continued to beat on the floor .

"Oh , oh , it's like my twitchy tail ? ” Pinkie Pie asked anxiously.

“ Actually , ” said Discord , “ it is rather difficult to explain the " why " , let's just say that Fluttershy is calling me”

The hoof continued to beat harder and harder, so he begin to break the floor .

" Oh , **** , " Discord said worriedly , " I'd better go now , it looks she is pretty worried . "

So saying , discord re - snapped his fingers and disappeared .

The 5 , meanwhile , wondered why Fluttershy could be so nervous.

Rainbow Dash suggested that it could be for the same event the year before , while Rarity said that maybe it was something serious ... this time.

While the 5 spoke , spike came down from upstairs with a letter in his hand.

It was signed with a " D " .

Twilight took it , and began to read :

" Twilight ,

We have a small problem from Fluttershy , you may ONLY come you?

Discord. “

" It must be serious , " said Rarity " Discord wrote something seriously ! "

The other four looked at her with a scornful look .

" All right , girls ," said Twilight , " I see what the problem is and come back immediately "

And in an instant , Twilight teleported to the cottage .

" Oh , thank Celestia you came , " Discord said with a strange worried tone .

" What is it , where Fluttershy ? " Twilight asked .

Discord brought twilight to Fluttershy room and recommended she to not worry or get nervous..

With all this tension , twilight was already preparing for the worst .

Arrived in front of Fluttershy’ s room , Discord knocked on the door and said that there was twilight .

Fluttershy came out , he looked exhausted, trembling and his eyes were full of tears .

" Twilight ," she said sobbing , " Please , you must help me ! "

" Fluttershy , what happens ? " asked worried Twilight .

Fluttershy hesitated and glanced at Discord .

" P - please , Twilight ," he began to say Fluttershy , " don’t get mad , he ... he is not like the others , I - I'm sure ! "

" What are you talking about ? " Twilight asked in a tone somewhat grim .

Fluttershy left twilight enter in the room.

She stopped when she saw what was in the bed .

It was one of them.

" Fluttershy , " twilight said with a shocked tone , " You know what is that ... thing ? "

Fluttershy not answer.

"Do you remember what they did to my brother ? "

For a few seconds , Fluttershy stood in silence.

" I'm sorry " She said.

Twilight sighed and , still shaken , she replied " okay , I’ll heal him , but I want to know every detail of why you brought a changeling in your house "

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