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Hello Everypony :)


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About Myself: I live in FL, am a graduate student and attend UF. I like reading, drawing, and writing. I enjoy watching Pixar movies and rock music from the 60s. I am in the process of working on my thesis called "The Brony Culture Study."

How I found Canterlot.com: Google Search

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became aware of the show and the adult fans after watching "Bronies: The extremely unexpected adult fans of My Little Pony." After watching the documentary I started watching MLP:FiM on Netflix and really liked the show. I'm a big fan of Pinkie Pie, because she is "so random," and Twilight Sparkle - because she is so studious.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Greetings Everypony,

I am a new fan of MLP: FiM. In addition, I am a graduate student in the college of Journalism and Communication at the University of Florida. When not watching the show I am working on my thesis, "The Brony Culture Study." Currently, I'm trying to find Bronies willing to participate in the study. When not involved in the world of MLP I also enjoy listening to 60s rock music, watching Pixar films, reading, writing, and drawing.

In respect of the forum rules I'm not going to post a link in this post to my website for "The Brony Culture Study," but if you are interested in learning about the study or participating feel free to message me or respond to this post.

All the best,


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Hello Everypony,

Thank you for being so welcoming. Just wanted to say a few things:

@ Symphonicfire - I haven't role played before but I think it would be fun. So I'm game.

@ RainbowDaringDash - While Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle are my favs I love your profile image of Dash. Did you do that yourself?

@ Swamp337 - :) I'm not just new to the site I'm new to MLP in general, unless you want to count growing up with Generation 1 ponies, which I don't. I've watched a few "children's" cartoons in my time and I have to say MLP:FiM is one of the better ones.

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@ Swamp337 - :) I'm not just new to the site I'm new to MLP in general, unless you want to count growing up with Generation 1 ponies, which I don't. I've watched a few "children's" cartoons in my time and I have to say MLP:FiM is one of the better ones.

Sorry, quoting isn't my thing. I gotz no experience!

It is not only one of the better ones, it is THE BEST ONE.

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