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Vixorous first post


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About Myself: well i live in austin texas, my hobbies aren't very interesting to be honest. Most of the time i play video games or just chill with my friends. I do enjoy art though.

How I found Canterlot.com: i googled 'mlp fim roll play' and i found this site on one of the suggestions

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I have a friend who is completely obsessed with mlp. He kept telling me to watch it, and when i did, i loved every second.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
I don't know how much time I'll invest into this site, i guess it depends on how engaging the rps are. Other than that, i think that's all really.

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Hey guys and gals. My names Laura (but I'd prefer to be called Wolfy online).

My hobbies are horse riding, drawing, watching anime, reading manga, playng video/computer games, cosplaying and hanging with my friends.

I am a MAJOR food addict and I'll eat nearly anything.

I am a Pegasister.

My favourite pony is either Rainbowdash, Princess Luna or Derpy.

My main fan-pony is called Snipershot


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