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Greetings Pony Lovers


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I am TicTac, Lord of the Breathmints! Actually no, I'm just an orange pony, but still. :razz:

I've been around the fandom since late 2011 after stumbling quite unexpectedly over the Fallout: Equestria fanfic. If any of you frequent the Canternet IRC I'm normally found idling in the Fallout Equestria channels, but this is my first venture into the world of non-FoE roleplay XD Before that though I was big into the Warrior Cats fandom, did a lot of RP there before the sites I were on died out.


If you're wondering, best pony is Lyra, and second best pony is also Lyra.


Welp, I'm out of interesting things to say, so yeah. Great to meet everypony! ^^

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I suppose I shall start rebuilding my glorious muffin empire with you.


Welcome to Canterlot, a land full of magical talking ponies, most of which aren't trying to kill you.

Have a welcome muffin. *Tosses muffin* *It's blueberry*


*Starts humming Ode to Joy*

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Yes! Another pony for ze Lyra force! Kick it! *does a sick guitar solo* anyways, welcome to Canterlot.com, hope to see you around in the forums. :P

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