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Thunder "The Bolt" Charger (Ready)


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Name: Thunder “The Bolt” Charger

Sex: Male.

Age: Young Stallion.

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: Hazel

Coat: Slightly redder shade of burgundy.

Mane/Tail: Long and flowing, slightly curly. Natural brunette, dyes it blonde.

Physique: Well built but not overly muscled- strong with perfect endurance. Astonishingly chiseled and handsome.

Residence: Manehattan with his wife Hortensia, though he spends most of his time outside of Manehattan at his job.

Occupation: Professional Wrestler

Cutie Mark: A pegasus diving through the clouds fast enough to break the sound barrier.

Character History:

Born to a failed author and a seamstress, Thunder's mommas loved their son a lot but both were awkward at best. Neither were really the best for a foal and while they were always kind, they had a hard time making him do anything he didn't want to do. The young colt ended up spending his days out with friends, most of whom had a more solid learning foundation and took advantage of the trusting foal. Despite this he grew up well (if poor) and made a good friend in the youngest daughter of Ram Rodger, one of Manahetattan's more famous wrestlers.


As a result, Charger was able to get into the Garden Arena for free and watch Manehattan Mid-Town Championship Wrestling's weekly programs there and meet the wrestlers in the back. He fell in love with the storytelling and the athleticism, which lead to a desire to do it himself He would try and do it at school but he ended up just getting in trouble by doing flying DDTs on random schoolfoals. He ended up not paying much attention in school as he wrote terrible storylines and created wrestlers all day long, more and more excited every week to see MMCW. After several months of this his author mother Dreamy Dreams came with him to a show. She didn't really like it nearly as much as her son did but when she went to the back with him, her career as an author (successful or not) came in hoofy. Half of the creative staff left to help form a rival promotion and the desperate owner of MMCW hired the mother onto the staff as a writer to help create the shows. Charger was excited because he could see even more of the promotion!


Charger was now always in the back, getting very familiar with everypony in the back. He quickly became liked by the majority of the locker room who took to his charming stupidity and friendly energy. As he grew up, he started to run errands and get involved in the production team's work of setting the ring up and getting the reel to reel taping stations set up- which he also took advantage of by watching hundreds of events on projectors.. When he was of the proper ae, he went to the promotion's owner and begged to be allowed to start training. He was allowed, mostly because they needed younger talent and his mother was by now head of creative and threatened to leave.


He took to it all well and was soon performing, but more than a few in the back started to feel like his mother was favoring him. After he made a name for himself the MWCC did a talent swap with the Heartland Wrestling Alliance based in Ponyville, where he spent the next few years. Being outside of Manehattan was a culture shock but he found it easy to adapt, his personality always given more to doing as others told him to do or seemed to work rather than what he thought, and his work with Gala Justice earned him his first crush and belt. From there he traveled the territories, earning a bit of fame and fortune. It would be several years before he made his way back to Manehattan, this time as a bona-fide upper-midcarder on the rise as his mother left the business. It was during his return that he met his wife at a show, the beautiful and bodacious Hortensia. Their whirlwind courtship ended with a marriage, something that really excited hum because he thought maybe somepony from the Fed would crash it but nope. Nonetheless, the future is bright for a pony not so bright- beautiful wife, good job, and he gets to see the world! Who needs any schooling at all when you have that? Not this stallion!


Character Personality:

Charger is dumb as a doorknob in most cases, something he would readily attest to. If it doesn't involve his career and passion as a pro wrestler then he is subpar at best. When it comes to wrestling however he is a savant, knowing the psychology and performance skills in such depth and detail that it rivals his knowledge of holds and movesets. His relative stupidity outside of the ring can be played off rather easily as he deals with a lot of children, leading many to believe they are catching him at weak moments or playing for the children. His ability to self-deprecate and joke about himself aids this perception.


Perception matches reality. He is a very kind and good-humoured stallion, more than ready to lend a helping hoof to anypony who requests it. He is free and easy with his money for a good cause. Making friends has always been easy for him as a nice combination of traits and fame make him accessible and easy to deal with, and his extrovert nature means he ends up meeting all manner of pony on a near daily basis. Of course much of the time this ends up with Charger getting taken advantage of by some ponies with unscrupulous desires, but it is a good trade. In any case he rarely if ever seems to learn from these incidents, though it is up for debate whether he is unable to learn or if it is a case of him just believing in the innate goodness of others a little too often.


Charger is a romantic at heart, believing fervently in the powers of chocolates and flowers and being a true gentlecolt. Nopony can tell him that this isn't a good way to the top of the love pile because he is married to an utterly charming and beautiful mare, herself a well known performer. She tells him what to do and he does it, though that is just part of a long-running series of Charger doing as pretty much anyone tells him to do. About the only thing he is able to do on his own effectively...is his job! And at that he is great. Easy to work with but a snout for good storylines and the workings of a crowd, he is easily able to adapt and do what is needed. He is just as popular in the Stalliongrad Grappling Federation as Manehattan Mid-Town Championship Wrestling as a result, his timeless babyface in peril character getting heels over from one end of the nation to the other and making him a fan favorite. He also likes wooden models even though he is hopeless at putting them together.

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