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Greetings Random Stranger.


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Now this would be the part where I tell about myself and what you can all me, however the username in the top left corner in above my avatar. Well that one is two years old and back then I only made two posts with that account with that said account until is very post. So please do no look into anymore and think this some kind of step in master plan of evil, so please just ignore that little fact there. Another thing you should ignore any and meteors heading towards planet in 4 to 6 weeks as stated before this in no way a evil plan to turn the planet into a chaotic fiery ball of death. In fact you should all just ignore all of this, just pretend this whole doesn't exist at all and you did not read all of this and are continuing to read this. 

This is the part where I tell about yourself because reasons and it is the norm in these sort of things. So yeah I like drawing things however I will probably not post any of it online cause as of right now I don't really think I have the right stuff to that and social anxiety plus shyness. I also enjoy good animation in a general sense of the word and I am thinking about getting a career in it to hopefully, even if it is kinda of pipe dream. Other than that I like tinkering around with characters/plots that I find interesting, and since roleplaying in its barest form is just two or more people co-operating together to tell a story of some sorts. You can tell why I might be interested in it and ponies cause I really like the show itself. So I when I went to look to one up by traveling long and hard into the land of internets, and finding the magical wizard who was called Google asking him where I could find such a place now here I am. I got into this giant life force sucking black hole otherwise know as MLP:FIM because a friend was into it and since he good tastes in stuff I decided why not go in head first? My favorite neon candy covered talking horse would have to be every single one of the them, there that should perfectly genetic enough to hide the fact I can't think of any at the moment. So in finishing this whole thing I hope to make this be not my last post here, make some new friends, and just a grand old time.      
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Welcome (back) to the forum! Hope you have fun and.... what's that in the sky?

Thanks and also there is nothing in sky expect for clouds and stars, that is just one star who is coming in for a hug. Go on and hug the star, I can tell you with the utmost of honesty it will not turn your body into ashes but instead give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside and outside of your body.
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Well that's... certainly... something.


*coughs awkwardly*


Anyway!  Welcome back to Canterlot, sojourner!  We've laid out the welcome mat, and new friends and adventures await!

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Well that's... certainly... something.


*coughs awkwardly*


Anyway!  Welcome back to Canterlot, sojourner!  We've laid out the welcome mat, and new friends and adventures await!

Thank you very much my good sir, and also of course of it is something after all nothing is just something that isn't there. 



Welcome back

Thank you that is all I really have to here because that all that you had said, and leaving me with nothing to go off into some kinda of witty respond. That or just a respond I find amusing in someway, however if that was the plan all along I must say well played. 

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Welcome to Canterlot! Can't wait to RP with you! :catbug:

Thank you very much and likewise on the RPing.


Hello and welcome back :)

Thank you, I hope to see around the forums.


WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!

Thank you and I'll try to get enjoy out of this.


Hi! Welcome back to Canterlot! :)


Hello there and thanks. 


Now since this post is already repeating itself and I am going to say it with a thank you all with a smiley face, so thank you all. ^-^ <--See told you all I was gonna use a smile face and I did. Now to something completely unrelated is anyway I can change my username? Not at I don't like it or anything, if there is no way to change it I would be just fine with it cause nostalgia. 

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Well that was interesting....welcome (back) to Canterlot! Have...yet another smiley! :)

Thank you very much for the smiley I shall add it to my collection at once, also another thank you for just welcoming me in just everybody has already done.   


Welcome stranger

Thank you other stranger.

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Thank you stranger who answered another strangers greeting.

Thank you stranger for answering the thanks of another stranger for welcoming a stranger. 


Now since that is out of the way and will probably develop into a mess later, let me ask this again since it has seems I have gotten no response. So to ask again this there someway to change my username?   

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