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Theatrical Flow [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: Word of Equestria 

Name: Theatrical Flow

Gender: Female
Age: A young filly. 
Species: Earth Pony
Eye colour: Dark purple
Character colour: She has a Light green coat and much to her dismay has to wear glasses that look like giant bubbles around her eyes. 
Mane/Tail/Other: Her mane and tail are both light yellow. Her mane is about up to end of her neck and tail are about medium length and messy, but not the normal kinda of messy. More of an artificial messy clearly made by a pony who did a lot of research into it and that has a lot time on their hoofs.  
Physique: Flow would about the average size of foal if so happened to stand on something like a thin book, however much to her dismay she can't stand on a thin book all day. So she is smaller than most her age and is a little bit skinnier, however nothing a few growth spurts can't fix hopefully.       
Residence: A apartment owned by her parents.
Occupation: A student at the local school.
Cutie Mark: She hasn't found a special talent yet.
Unique Traits: Flow is very good at studying all the details in a pony's personality or just a  general pony's personality, then be able to project that on herself. So hope she doesn't turned into a changeling or some kinda of potion    
History: Flow was born, where she lives, Manehattan more specifically in a hospital. Now some would have thought that she having lived there all her life she would be used to the hustle and bustle of the big city but it just doesn't click with her. So instead she would rather spend her time with her parents who worked at the somewhat near by theater and most days of the week brought Flow there because they couldn't leave her alone their apartment all day. Besides she enjoys it there a lot more than being baby sat and the others that worked there would be more than capable to take care of her when they just so happened to be busy. It wasn't that hard really cause they keep Flow busy with the books  they have because they are were just like plays that had only the script and a bunch of fluff added to them.  
Now lots of the theater workers expected her to try out for a role in one of the plays, after all she has a knack for it since she watched all the actors when she isn't reading and it was her favorite thing to watch there. However if she did that came with being watched by everyone who had entered in there and what if she screwed it all up? Flow couldn't bare imagine herself ruining one of these master pieces, everyone who worked there would be so angry at her and her parents love this place. They would hate her if she ruined it. So to sum things up she wouldn't be trying out for any of the plays anytime soon.    
Flow nowadays to beginning of the almost end of her school year at the local school that will be a long times away because stills she needs a "proper" education. Which she doesn't see the point in besides history, that like a whole giant play of things really happened and someone didn't make up. The only problem is that other than the ones who work at the theater and most of whom she has know for all of life, Flow isn't good with interacting with other ponies. No matter how much she wants to she couldn't help but think what they didn't like her, so as to answer all of life's many questions she turned to the books to find her answer and now everything will go swimmingly. Flow will have lots of friends and work full time at the theater, or at least that what she hopes.     
Character Summary/Personality: Flow is very charismatic, happy go lucky, and a bit careless little filly, or at least that what she pretends to be. She is really when it comes down to it just putting on a show in order to like by other ponies and make lots of friends, after all it seemed to work in all the plays and the books she has read so far which she loves every single one of them. Since in reality who want to be her, well the real her anyways. Flow knows that all the workers just pretend to like her, but she has know them almost as long as she has known her parents. Still they all must hate her or she is just worrying too much.   
The real Flow is really when it comes down to it actually very sarcastic and straight to the point, and likes her things organized in a very particular way. If it were to get out of that order than she would have a freak out, while giving the pony who did this to her a little piece of her mind and maybe a little hoof if the time calls for it. This can go for messing with her friends and family, if she had any real friends at this point. The last time she tried she a little too straight forward with wanting to be friends with them. Anyway Flow's plan is pretty simple at this point which are to make some friends and keeping on working at the theater as a ticket holder or something. Just a pony on the sidelines so that in no she can interfere with the play at all costs.    
Well at least reading books just like organizing things, wandering around the backstage or just wandering general, and organizing somethings as distractions or maybe they called hobbies? Flow also might have also seen a enough of the actors practicing to get it down right, and has learned from that when the actors correct one another.Flow also wants to act in a play in any part, it doesn't have to the lead just anything. Yet as stated before in the history section of this application, she is too afraid to do so because she might screw up and ruin everything. However Flow's plan of pretending to someone else is sure to work out right, right? She also has to remain in character at all times even if it means a little bit uncomfortable at times but it will all be worth it.         


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