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Hello Canterlot forums. I am—quite clearly—Leafolawl. In my general approach to new forums, I have gone through and read every ruleset to the general forums and suggestion threads on behaviour, from general interaction to introductory. I prefer to be thorough in my work, often to a frustrating end for others given my detail centric nature can become grating due to how excessive I can become in it.


I'm a bit on the strange side, and possibly a bit more emotionally detached than is recognized as healthy. Atypical behaviour is rather standard of me. I'm of a wide taste in media, even if I've given myself limited exposure to it. I like to sing, draw, and game. Mostly the first and last of the two. I happen to be unemployed and not attending schooling of any sort, much to my dismay, and am rather forward about my thoughts. My preferred profession would be that of a chef, baker, or anything in the culinary arts.


To summarize myself to the best of my abilities, I'm an overly energetic late teens male who holds a general disregard for social trends, media, and statements. A bit all over the place in terms of traits that are identifying—aside from being jaded—I have a hard time trying to apply anything that would be consolidating in actual personality traits that have commonly identified names. I'm just a little bit everywhere.



I'm here because I have heard a bit about the site from people I talk to, including Diomedes, and figured I should finally come and check it out after hearing about it rather frequently as of late.



Interestingly, I started my initial browsing of My Little Pony from another forum that I visit, talk, and even roleplay at. They have an entire thread dedicated to conversation about the show, fanworks, and arranging for simultaneous watching of it. The mention of this thread is because it's what had actually sparked my curiosity regarding the show.


I know it seems a little contradictory to say that and say I'm not one to follow trends, but the existence of the thread in and of itself made me curious to see exactly what it is that had actually garnered that much attention. So, I got my brother, pulled up Youtube and watched the first few episodes. The first few episodes didn't really make me cringe at how corny it was, so it was already considerably better than most shows I had ever watched, and then a few episodes later, I found myself thoroughly intrigued by some of the characters.


Rather quickly, my favourite became Pinkie Pie. Why? Simply because I love chaotic and random responses. Really, I was sold on she started singing. And then it was questioned. Canonically. As the show went on though, I found myself respecting and enjoying the other characters rather quickly as well. The one I respect the most would be Applejack, and the one I most identify with would be Babs. Fastforward a few years (given I started watching when there were just ten episodes) and here I am.



Now, here's something a bit more about me. I have what's commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, which lends itself to giving me a few unique hurdles in live, most of which being associated with a form of cognitive dissonance that I often times cannot overcome, so end up intentionally distracting myself from it. While not particularly impairing (thus far), it's frustrating, and has lended itself to complications in socializing and interesting situations.



Honestly believing this is the single most detailed introduction of myself I have ever given and having run out of criteria to meet and—by my own deeming—things that are important to mention, I await to hear from everyone.


Although I will say, I have always felt more than a little awkward about making an entire thread dedicated to simply introducing myself.





TL;DR version: My name is Leafolawl, and I'm a defective tool. Pinkie rocks! G'NIGHT E'RYBODY!

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That intro... Give Leo a medal! Fantastic! xD

Seriously though, it's awesome to see a big introduction; I don't really know why, I just think it's awesome :P

I hope you enjoy your time here in Canterlot to the absolute fullest, Leo! ^.^

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That intro... Give Leo a medal! Fantastic! xD

Seriously though, it's awesome to see a big introduction; I don't really know why, I just think it's awesome :razz:

I hope you enjoy your time here in Canterlot to the absolute fullest, Leo! ^.^


I'm glad to see at least one person enjoyed my introductory post, even if it is simply on merit of its length. Ideas on why you might enjoy seeing a long introductory post vary, but everyone has their own opinions and tastes.



Well, that's quite the introduction. Hello and welcome to the forums Leafolawl, I hope you enjoy your stay here! I look forward to rping with you :D


If I'm to be completely honest, I just hope I actually know what I'm doing. XD



It seems to me that defects led to some of the greater things in history :razz:


It was more an attempt at humor, but thanks for the supportive commentary in any case.




And in general, thank you all for welcoming me.

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I'm glad to see at least one person enjoyed my introductory post, even if it is simply on merit of its length. Ideas on why you might enjoy seeing a long introductory post vary, but everyone has their own opinions and tastes.

Indeed, indeed. I think what I liked so much about it was the wide expanse of your diction and how you carried yourself throughout the introduction. Impeccable it was, if I do say so myself~ x3

I do look forward to chatting with you further! ^.^

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Oh dear heavens, I got a welcome from /both/ admins. XD



I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what you mean by "'bout time" here Dio. Likely, I think you were expecting to be made aware of my introductory post sooner.



I actually read that in your staff information post, Rosey. Thought it was pretty cool. "Thinking of how to improve Canterlot when I'm not devoting myself to making new breads or cakes" I believe it was. Something to that general effect, most likely. Really, I agree with Ghost though. The easy to prepare box mixes are mediocre at best as far as actual taste goes, and cooking in itself is far more rewarding in my opinion.



Thanks Symphony(assuming you don't mind me calling you that). Really, until I meet the requirements for full member privileges, I won't be joining in on actual roleplay. Might spend a few days reading (or in cases re-reading) rules, etiquette, and well established and finished threads after that as well, just to try to get a feel for the general flow around here and see if I can spark a few character ideas. Hard to say whether or not characters I have already would fit in here without a good bit more research of site lore and expectations.



I really like your name, FireFoxx. Sounds as much like furry trash as my gaming handle, FoxLeaf. XD

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Welcome! I'm not a professional baker, and I'm brand new here, so I really don't get to welcome anyone, but I'm doing it anyway.


Your post reminded me I forgot to mention that my favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle. But Pinkie Pie is kind of Zen in my mind. My co-host is a fan of Applejack's, too. Anyway. good to meet you!

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