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my introduction


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Name: its was flashdash250 but now my name has change to Rainbow flashdash but i am a 27 year old brony 


main pony cast: Rainbow Dash and apple jack


how i found canterlot.com: i found it by watching canterlor radio 


hobbies: video game dragons horses and ponies.



about me: my real name is terrell d. taylor the 2nd. and i am 27 years old brony  and i love the show when it first air. and i like to draw stuff but the most i do is play video games on my xbox 360 and I love this site because you guys and girls on here are so nice and kind to anyone new thats join this community. 

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Hey there RainbowFlashDash! Welcome to our site! It's nice to meet new people! However I do suggest you not put so much personal information in your OP =D Just a suggestion ofcourse! Safety first and what not!

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you get acquainted with our site =)

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