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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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"Oh ok " brave smiled, his blush slightly returning

"If you need help just holler I don't really sleep and when I do it's maybe an hour or so. I'll be near the forest nocking dead trees down unless sweet has me doing something else" brave told Midnight as she opened the window "um... Goodbye" brave told her right before she leaped

Brave then went to the living room to see the princess

"Hay Luna how Tia" he causally asked the alicorn without bowing

"It's been a wail"

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Sweet smiled and had the boundary set up as she backed up, bumping into a tree. She just giggled as an apple hit her head. She picked it up and munched it. "Nice and sweet." She giggled.

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Dawn yawned widely and stretched. He was usually awake and energetic at night, but tonight, he was exceptionally tired. If he were to wake up an hour before dawn tomorrow, then he'd better get some sleep. "Sorry, everypony, but I'm a little tired. I think I'll turn in for the night." He said with the most polite smile he could muster. "Good night. And it was nice meeting you, Princess." He said, making his way up stairs. Now... where did she say my room was...?




Solar snuck around the outside of the orchard, getting a good feel for the perimeter of the field before carefully stepping inside. He let out a melancholic sigh as he searched the trees with the small basket in hand. He hated stealing, but he was unable to find any work all day, and therefore, had not earned any money for his next meal. No surprise, considering that not everyone would find a young, raggedy-looking homeless colt suitable for any sort of job. He reared up and kicked one of the trees, watching as a few apples fell from the branches above.

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Sweet would look around and listen, she turned around at the sounds, thinking it was something from the Everfree. She would back up and unknowingly bump her flank into Solar, causing her to jump. She turned around backing up to the tree behind her. "Look, sir, ah don't know what ya want but ah don't have any bits...." She says covering her head as she ducked down.

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Surprised at the mare that had just bumped into him, the little Alicorn whirrled around, gesturing with his hooves that he didn't want any bits. In his surprise, he dropped the basket of stolen apples, and looked up at her with an embarassed face. No doubt, he was in big trouble...

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Luna smiled to Dawn before he left to sleep and nuzzled Darky a little.

"So, you are going ti stay here for a while, don't you?" She aaked him.

Darky nodded, nuzzling back. "Yes." He said.

After a moment Luna noticed Brave. "Oh, hello there, I'm doing fine, as well as my sister." She said smiling.

Luna looked outside of the window and noticed the mare and the young pony outside.

She stood up and pulled Darky to see what was going on.

"What art thou doin?" Luna asked them after they arrived and saw the basket of stolen apples

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Brave after saying hello to his old friend kept walking to the porch where he had left his lantern when he came back

"Good see you later" he said to the princess

As he was grabbing his lantern in his mouth he hierd sweet start to yell

(what now) brave thought as he lit the lantern and headed toward the camotion

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She looked at the pony she bumped then noticed the apples. She looks at him and walks over. "Hungry?" She asks him softly, trying to show that she wasn't mad or angry.

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Brave took a few more steps closer around a tree

the light then reviled a white Alicorn. but brave didnt notice the bucket

Brave then set down the lantern

"Hi there."

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Solar backed up against one of the trees when more ponies began to show up, but he dared not move a muscle. When he saw the princess, he stood frozen in fear. Oh no... He had been caught stealing in the presence of Princess Luna! His ears drooped, and he refused to make eye contact. But he calmed down a bit when Sweet asked if he was hungry, showing that she wasn't mad at him, and the young Alicorn looked up at her and nodded with a shy smile.

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Midnight flew towns the trees where the commotion was and felt the small colts body go against it.

She dropped down upside down and came face to face with him."Boo, what are you doing!?" She asked as she smirked revealing fangs and her eyes glowed in the darkness.

She saw the light of the lantern and turned away slightly.

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brave notced that the lantern has at its brightest when midnight showed up and quickly turned it down

(oops...dont want to blind anyone else)

"sorry i forgot you can be vary silent wail flying" brave apologized to her

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When the Areion suddenly dropped down in front of him, the little Alicorn gasped and stumbled backwards, hitting his back against the tree. He glanced curiously at the mare, before turning away. Solar had never even seen an Arieon at night, but it was no surprise to him that they looked more threatening in the dark. He sighed, wishing that he could tell them that he was unable to speak, and what he was actually doing there.

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Darky walked to where the little one ise and took a closer look, it was a young alicorn! He smiled to him and moved his chin up to him to see his face. "Hey, you alright?" He asked him with a soft smile. "What is your name?" He asked, unaware he couldn't speak.

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She looks at Darky. "Darky, do ya think ya can go back to the house and fix this one somethin' ta eat? Ah'll take him ta the house. Ah think he needs more than a warm meal. If'n ah know that face like ah do, he needs a home. He can stay with us fer the time bein'." She says. "And yew don't have ta worry about food, young one." She helps him up and gave the white alicorn a friendly smile.

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Darky nodded. "Yes, I'll do it inmediately." He said smiling. He went to Luna's side and smiled to her, then went back inside to make the food for him.

"Dear, can you help me getting the table ready for him?" He asked Luna.

"Sure." She said smiling, then got ready the table for him.... also for her.

Darky noticed that and made food for Luna and their little new guest.

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She looks at Midnight. "Can ya do me a favor, at dark, pluck the good apples from some trees and put in buckets ah'll have resting at the boundaries, I'm going to have them there with signs reading for the hungry and the starved." She says softly. "Then ponies know ahm not greedy."

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"you wouldn't be greedy for not doing so" brave told sweet

"but doing it could put you in the running for the element of generosity" brave joked

 brave noticed the turned over bucket and use a levitation spell to put it next to the tree


"hay sweet do you have anything for me to do right now?"

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Solar smiled shyly up at the older Alicorn, but could only shake his head in response. Before anything else could be said, he heard Sweet offer for him to stay with them, and he let out another small gasp. This one more of joy mixed in with surprise, and he had to restrain himself from hugging the mare. He stopped and thought for a moment, before finally coming up with an idea. Concentrating as much as he could, his horn began to glow a bright blue, and two glowing blue words appeared floating in front of him.

"Solar Flare."

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