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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Midnight smirked at the Alicorn before laying in the branch and listening to Sweetie.

"Sure I can do that," she took off at a lightning speed and her wings opened just as she passed the moon.

Grabbing the buckets, she placed them below the signs careful and then bit into the second pouch she had with her. She flew back just in time to see SOLAR FLARE written in dancing blue colours in the air.

"Nice to meet you little one, my anem is Midnight Blues," she smirked before shaking his hooves and then re-flying up to the point in the barn looking down upon them.

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Sweet would smile. "Ah think this one is a mute." She says to them. "That or just don't talk. Why don't ya come up to the house, Solar Flare. There's sure ta be some good food fer ya up there."


She turns to Midnight and smiled. "Thank ya sugar."

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Solar looked at Brave, before forming more words in the air, keeping the same dancing blue glow. "I use magic." He said in response, and he gladly shook Midnight's hooves with a smile. At Sweet's observation, the little Alicorn nodded, before his stomach growled at the mention of food. "Thank you!" He wrote.

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"huh... haven't figured that trick out yet maybe you could show me sometime" brave said to Solar

"By the way Sweet im going to go take down the dead and hazardous trees at the border of the forest. is that ok?" brave told the mare as he picked up his lantern with his levitation

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She looks. "Brave, ah want them up. Ah don't want ponies ta be afraid of the forest but know what ta expect in there. But if ya think ya find some that may fall and hurt somepony ya can remove the branches and perhaps bring them and pile them in a spot here."

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Darky finished making thr food and put it in the table. It was enough food for both the small alicorn and Luna.

"Thanks honey." Luna said smiling, giving him a kees in his cheek. He smiled, then walked out. "Food is ready!" He said to the small alicorn

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"ok goodnight Sweet" and with that brave headed to the forest's edge

as brave approached the forest he imediently found a dead tree

(looks like this part of the farm hasnt been taken care of in a wile, of course one pony doing all this is understandable)

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Solar glanced toward the house when he heard Darky announce that the food was ready, and his stomach growled again as if on cue. He followed Sweet to the large farm house, fluttering his wings in excitement. A few times, he hovered above the ground for a few seconds, before tumbling back down. Giving up on trying to fly, be trotted with the mare to the front door before writing: "Sleep well, ma'am." As soon as he trotted into the house, he was immediately greeted with the smell of delicious food.

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"TIMBER!" brave holared

brave knew he was out of earshot of anyone,exept maybe midnight, so he could yell all he wanted


he hit the dead tree with his back hooves with all his force and down it came right where he wanted it


(dang i missed this!) brave thought to himself

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Sweet would head to bed and lie down. She would be out once her head hit the pillow. "What a turn out. Ah'll have this place goin' like crazy." She giggled in her sleep.


Out there while Brave was working he could hear a crash. When discovered it was a hole in the ground with a mare looking into it. Flank covered in stars with a telescope on it. At first glance when not in the hole she'd be easily mistaken for Celestia, save for the cutie mark. She would soon go in and start digging with her front hooves into the dirt where when one looked up trees would look broken. Her tail waving in the air. "A meteor hits near by finally. This will be extraordinarily amazing." She giggled. When she looks about. Judging my the hole it wasn't very big and being far enough as to not disturb any sleepers. She soon would pull a big steaming rock from the ground and lay it aside, the rock being very small. She started looking at it.  She would lie down. The alicorn would just smile as she examined the rock. Her ears twitch as she hears the words and jumps as the tree lands on her rock. "Hey, there's somepony here, you know."

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Luna looked at Solar and smiled to him as he sat to eat.

Darky put the plates with food in the table for both Luna and Solar, then sat beside Luna as always, smiling to Solar. "Hope you like it." He said smiling to him.

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Midnight heard Brave's call off 'timber' and chuckled before hearing a second voice. "Who in the name of Equestria is that?" she flew down at astonishing speed and flew around the Grass before coming to halt close to the what she seemed to recognise as an Alicorn mare, looking like Celestia.


"You?" she questioned slightly puzzled but nonetheless positioned herself ready to fight.

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Solar eyed the plates of food hungrily, smiling up at Darky. Before he could take a bite, the little Alicorn suddenly hearn a muffled crash off in the distance, and one of his ears flickered in response. He leaped down from the chair he sat at and trotted over to one of the windows. Finding that he was not tall enough to reach it, he jumped and fluttered his wings, only to land back onto the floor. What was out there...?

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Brave hired  a voice right after the tree fell

"midnight did i almost hit you?"

(i hope shes o-....wait that didn't sound like her.)

"who are you"brave said being a little on the skeptical side of another pony being out here in the middle of the night

(now i wish i had my shield i feel vulnerable out here)

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Catherine looked over. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle everypony. I was just digging where a meteor had just landed during a meteor shower." She looks at the tree. "Which now I've got to move a tree to get after digging it up." She began pushing against the tree. Once the tree was off she moved the rock. "This is a piece of rock that fell from the stars." She says as she lifts it up with magic to examine it in the light of the moon. She turns to the two. "Sorry, I'm Catherine. But you may call me Cat. I suppose saying my mother is Celestia would hold little meaning." She says then soon start talking as if to talk to nopony in particular. "Nopony knows she's got a daughter, cause her daughter doesn't live the life in a castle. She lives life in an observatory, looking at the stars." She giggled.


She would stop and look at the two. "Is something wrong?"

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(*le gasp* do it! Mega plot twist xd)

Luna walked outside with Darky after hearing what happened. She noiced the alicorn in there, but didn't said anything.

Darky felt conused. She looked too much like..., Tia?

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((i thought midnight was a little ways off not right next to me))


(great now ive seen everything) Brave thought

"well 'Cat' whats wrong is you poped out of nowhere and i almost crushed you with a tree" Brave started

"also whats so special about that rock compared to any other that comes from above?"

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(I'm doing it.)


Solar gave up trying to look out the window and cautiously followed Darky and Luna out the front door and into the orchard. He peeked out from behind the two to glance at the mare. For a split second, he thought that the other Alicorn was Celestia, but realized it wasn't once he got a glance of her cutie mark. He stayed back behind Darky and Luna, too nervous to show himself.

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Midnight bowed in her presence before hearing the familiar click or hooves form the barn one their way to the dilapidated part they were currently standing in.

"Daughter, Catherine? Well, you do resemble her, 'Tis a pleasure Princess," Midnight proceeded to close her wings but still stood warily around the supposedly Princess.

"Luna my Princess, come and see," she said politely.

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[nothing wrong with him being Celestia's son, May make things fun.]


Catherine shook her head. "Please. I'm not a princess. I don't like the idea of being in the royal life." She looks and bows her head to Luna. Another difference between Catherine was her size. She was the same as any typical pony.


She looked at Brave. "Well, to a common pony nothing would be special, however to an astronomer, any rock that he or she has a chance to examine from the heavens, is everything." She says softly.

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(and this is why i never made friends in canterlot) brave thought to himself


"well you should make sure the owner of what ever property your on knows your on it so your not attacked on site for snooping on there property" brave said in an annoyed voice

"cause if i had been off by even a little bit when i hit that tree you would be dead right now"

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(Would Luna know about her or not? Your call jesse, is your OC history after all.)

Luna looked at Midnight and made a soft smile to her. "Yes." She said as she walked there. She then looked to the mare in there.... she looked like sister, a lot, and yet, she looked odly familiar.

Darky walked beside Luna all the time. He also Catherine and was quite surprised. At first he thought it was Tia, but looking closely she wasn't. Who was this mare.

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