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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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[well, mostly only her family knew about her, so yeah.]


She would look. "And this is one of the reasons why I try to stay in the observatories." She looks. "Um... look, I don't mean to bother anypony. I'm just doing what I love to do. I'll take my rock and be gone." She says taking the rock and putting it in a bucket on a cart. She would hook the cart to herself as she sighs. "Hello Aunt Luna. Tell mom I said hi." She would soon turn around to head towards the interior of the forest. "I don't mean anypony any harm." She would twitch her ears as she'd hear howls. "Great. Timberwolves." She sighs.

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((um... thats a Private message question and no not really im stretched thin on a good day))




"oh your waking up, how do you feel?" she asked as the alicorn stured as if he was starting to regain conciseness

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"well it wasnt a pencil" she joked


"Doctor Silver Needle says to take it easy for the next few days so that means so heavy lifting, no high level spells,and not to fly faster than any normal pony can run" she listed what not to do

(wow this list sounds like the 'how to' to not getting anything done)

"he also said that if yo dont your ribs wont heal back to normal and he'll have to break them again"Red was starting to smile at the look he gave when she said the part about breaking his ribs again

"and before you say anything he did calculate the regeneration for alicorns and you should be able to do whatever you want by tomorrow night around sunset"and with that she started to gather her stuff including the book she always brought on house calls

"i'll see you around sunset then?"

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(Alright then.)

Luna remembered her. "Good night Catherine." She said making a soft smile to her. "It's been a while, and yes, I will tell sister you said hi." She said, smiling a bit more.

Darky still felt confused about that mare. Now, Luna knew her, perhaps he could ask her later. He sighed and stood beside Luna, nuzzling her a bit in the side of her neck.

After a moment they heard that also. "We should get inside." Darky said. He didn't felt like fighting the Timberwolves that night.

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Solar stayed hidden out of site most of the time, until Cat announced that she had to be leaving. He stepped out from behind Darky and Luna and waved a small hoof, before his ears flickered at the sound of howling timberwolves, and he slowly backed up towards the house.

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Cat would look about. "Um... well, that puts a damper on things. I'm to tired to fly and the timberwolves are between me and my observatory." She laughed some. She turned and looked at Solar Flare. "Hmmmm." She would trot over and smile "How are you, little one?" She asks him, giving him a friendly nuzzle, yet she don't know why. She felt it was the right thing to do. She then looked at Darky. "You don't suppose the owner wouldn't mind a guest for the evening, do you?"

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"Well, she didn't said anything when Luna came..." he replied, shrugging a little. ".... and I'm the one that will do most of the house chores so...."

"Oh, like a maid huh?" Luna said teasingly and giggling, nuzzling him a bit.

"W-well, I...." he blushed.

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Midnight nodded as she quietly listened in on the conversations that were happening.

"You can stay in my room, it's shared with Brave but unless Jesse has ANOTHER spare room you can stay there," Midnight heard the howls and shrugged. "All of you, get inside," Midnight said ushering everyone away from the forests edge. She opened her wings and took off flying effortlessly straight up before diving into the depths of the forest beneath her.

"I'm taking on the Timbers!" She clued out no knowing if she would be heard.

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Solar smiled shyly as the other Alicorn bent down and nuzzled him, and he wrote in the air in those same dancing blue words; "Hello! Are you really the Princess Celestia's daughter?" Of course, there was no reason for him not to believe it, considering how much she resembled her mother. But his curiosity was now piqued. He watched Midnight fly off, and his curiousity turned to worry. He hoped that she would be careful..

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She smiled. "I am Celestia's daughter. I was born while Aunt Luna was imprisoned in the moon." She says and trots up to Sweet's house.


Sweet having heard the howling was at the door. "What do we have here? Oh... Princess Cele...."

Catherine stopped her. "I'm Catherine. And no, I'm not a Princess. And yes, Celestia is my mother. And yes I'm an Alicorn. But I denounced the role of Princess so I can live the life as a typical pony."

Sweet nodded. "Come in, everypony. Princess Luna, if ya like ya can use the big room at the end of the hall. Ah'd rather ya not fly tonight home. Ah feel a nasty storm headed in stretchin' from this farm ta Canterlot. Yer sister wouldn't be appreciative of me if ah let ya risk flight. And don't ya argue with me." She says. "We've got plenty of room." She giggled. "Just consider yerself our first bed and breakfast guest."

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Luna smiled to Sweet after she said that, then walked inside. "Don't worry, if you wish, you can give that room to Cat." She said smiling. "I'm going to sleep with him." She said pulling Darky towards her. "And don't worry, I'll pay for this, I know you might need somepony to start with for all this." She added, smiling to Sweet.

Darky blushed a bit more.

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"um....not to be 'that' pony but we should get inside. preferably now" Brave said wail looking over his shoulder

(why did i have to leave my shield and my sisters

"because you wernt expecting this"

oh look who came back

"did you miss me?"

no go away)

as brave was battling the voice again the sent of the timberwolves had reached them

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Midnight landed and looked left to right before seeing 5 timberwolves creep out, it was unusual for them to be so far away from the Everfree and she smirked.

"You shan't go any further!" She commanded as she stepped forward and growled equally back. "This is off limits, no food here, head to the Everfree, I'll feed you," she spoke normally as she stood tall and approached confidently and watched the wolves growl before standing still. I guess living in the Everfree makes these wolves easier to talk with.

"Lavender? Is that you girl?" She quietly cooed as the leading female Timberwolf stepped forward, head down and a small lavender plant growing out of her head like an accessory.

Lavender sat and so did the others. Let's hope no one comes and startles them. ((Hint hint some pony could just come in running or charging?))

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Solar nodded in response, but it left him a little confused. Why would Cat just want to live as an average pony? He figured that the Alicorn would be excited about having such power; living in a castle, not having to work... Maybe it was just him, but Solar thought that living like that would be a dream come true. He heard another howl off in the distance, and began to worry. What if Midnight had not been successful in driving the Timberwolves off? Instead of following the others to the house, he silently took off in the direction of the Everfree. Before he could react, he suddenly slammed into something wooden. His first thought was that he had ran into a tree, but the sudden growling and lit up eyes told him otherwise...

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As brave was trying to get the groups attention he saw a flash of white run after midnight

("oh no"

i agree)

brave, without thinking anymore than that, ran after solar

as he past the tree he took down earlier he tore off a large chunk of bark ad put it at his side like a shield

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Catherine would soon follow after Solar. She would stand between him and the Timberwolf. "Stand back you. I don't want to hurt you but I will if I must." Her horn glowing, forming a barrier around her and Solar.


Sweet looked. "Darky, could ya fix some Cider, please. And is Nurse Redheart still here or did she leave? Cause we may be needing the cider and the nurse both."

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Darky nodded and went to the kitchen to get ready the Cider as Sweet requested.

"I think she is still here." Darky said from the kitchen to Sweet after she asked about Nurse Redheart. "I hadn't seen her leave that I remember." He added.

"I didn't saw her on my way here." Luna then said to Sweet.

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Midnight heard the thud and with her own growl turned to see Solar, she stopped and with a hiss she ran head first into the wolves who started snapping their teeth.

"Lavender! Bad girl!" She yelled and the wolf, like a rebellious teenager, growled and snapped back, knocking Midnight's arm with her tooth she growled.

"Catherine take Solar Flare," she demanded this and Midnight was not expecting an answer to tell her no or otherwise but then again she was an Alicorn.

Midnight bucked the other Timberwolves around Lavender and hissed again.

"How dare you attack me! I give you a home and this is what you do? I said STAY in the Everfree!" Midnight shouted back with a hard right hook before seeing Brave race in wuth some bark.

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