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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Celestia would look at Brave and smiled. "Still fighting with your inner self? Luna, do you think tonight you could teach him a lesson?" She grins as she looks.

Sweet smiled. "Ya are welcome ta use the big room, Princess Celestia. Ah suggest everypony get some shudeye. come sun up, we'll be goin' ta investigate the damage."

Catherine looked as she stood to her hooves struggling and walk to the window. "I'm glad we got the fire gone."

Celestia smiled. "Perhaps she is in a good place. So, sister, you going to join me in the room or do you have your own?"

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"ya tia it came back, Chryisalis did do a real number on my head though" brave said rubbing his head


("so celestia can still hear me...great still i cant make fun of her")the voice said as he was being mentioned

("....hay i am not him! i hate the thought of being in this wretched pony!")


"my room's available for both of you if you want. midnight already offered her's and you could have mine." brave told her ignoring the voice

"....and what do you mean lesson?" brave ask as he realized what the princess had fully said


brave knew celestia was just playing a joke but still she got really creative with them and he really preferred not having poison joke spilled on him again


(becoming a mare is not as fun as it seams

"what! you were a mare at one point in time!?"

it was before you and be quite)

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Midnight watched Celestia land and bowed in her presence, she hastily mixed the ingredients and rubbed it slowly across the burnt area.

Opening her mouth and widening because of her fangs which looked quite scary in the moonlight, she plucked 8-9 big splines out quickly and efficiently before hearing Brave.

"You singing!? Hah! I doubt you could even sing a soft note," Midnight laughed as she bowed again to Celestia before turning to Sweet

"I'll keep watch on the forest, if trouble arises ill wake you," Midnight informed her of this because she wouldn't really wake her up, she'd handle it herself, just so they all could sleep without a worry.

"Everypony, please retire, Luna? Are you staying up tonight?" She questioned with a bow at her Princess.

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Although he guessed somepony would do that brave saw it as a chance to make a quick flirt to the bat pony

"Oh trust me I can sing. Maybe I'll come to your window in the morning and sarinade you." Brave quickly said with a suave look on his face

(please don't call my bluff I cant sing work anything, notes and humming I do fine but I can't remember enough words and there order to sing a song... Well except Celestia's song

"Is that why Celestia laughs?"

Still ingnoring you)

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Midnight chuckled, two could play this game. "Dear, I'd hit you so hard your precious shield couldn't protect from me," she laughed as her ears moved to indicate she'd hear him before he even began.

"I'd love to hear you try though, my friend in Canterlot aces singing and I for one can sing quite well too,"

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(why would she hit me?

"Your vary hittable?"

Shut up)

"Um..... How about later when every pony goes back to bed" he said in a lower tone as his ears went flat

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((Edit: Midnight doesn't know about Brave as an Areion yet.))

Midnight blushed, was he actually considering it?

"I'm up all night, you should get some shut eye," she tried her best to completely throw him off before she took off like lightning into the air doing loop the loops and flying off and up onto the small ledge on the barn.

She smiled to herself, it was nice to meet a pony other than an Areion who liked her, she good in front of the moon as her hair blowed gently in the wind. It was a peaceful night, bats were eating, owls were flying about and mice were quietly squeaking.

"What a peaceful farm, let's hope this is not ruined, perhaps tomorrow I'll draft out a blueprint for building,"

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"Hmmm....." Luna staryed thinking.about what Gia said about 'a lesson'. If it could control hs inner self. "Why not?" She said ginning again.

Darky noticed that Catherine was having a hard time walking around, so he went to help her all he could. "Don't try to walk around, you should only rest, tomorrow you will feel better." He said to Cat.

Luna was looking at them. She always loved how Darky was, that he helped others. She then turned to Tia. "Don't worry sister, I'm sharing room with him." Luna said as she looked to Darky once again.

As she did that, she couldn't help to hear the conversatoon between Midnight and Brave. She coudln't help it but let out a soft giggle.

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Solar ran to keep up with Darky and Catherine, following them into the house. He glanced back at Luna and Celestia, finding it extremely hard to believe that he was standing in the presence of the royal sisters. He nervously followed them to the house, every so often leaping into the air and fluttering his wings, only to fall back down. How he wished he knew how to fly..

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Catherine would smile as she looked at Solar. "Come here, little one." She looks over. "You certainly look like royalty. You look completely like you'd be my mother's child."

Celestia smiled laying down at the window looking out with Catherine. "Well, if he likes I can tell him a story." She says.

Sweet smiled looking. "Let the three Alicorns be, sugars. Come on. Ah'll put on some special cider." She says and heads down stairs and starts making it. She looks at Nighty. "Come here sugar, this cider is made from Zap Apples ah got from mah cousin. Ya make it just like this."

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Luna walked near Celestia and laid down near both Cat and Tia. She was smiling bacause she could spend some time with her sister and her niece.

Darky, after helping Cat, laid down beside Luna, nuzzling her a little and then snuggling her, closing his eyes and falling into a small nap with her.

Luna looked at him and smiled, petting her a bit. "A story would be lovely." Luna said after hearing Tia said that.

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Brave turned towards sweet (hmm...looks like somepony got my recipe for zap apple cider) brave thought to himself

Brave then left towards the barn to find midnight when he got there it was really dark

(she could be right in front of me and I would run into her)

"Midnight you there?" He's softly said "cause if you are I could use your eyes so I don't run into something"

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Solar shyly walked over to Catherine and Celestia, a bit of a strange feeling in his chest. Royalty? That could not be right. He had been poor his entire life, living on the streets. Still, he sat down and gave a small, nervous nod.

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Celestia smiled looking at them. "So, Luna, what do you think of your niece?" She says then turns to Solar. "This story, it may concern you. You see, little one. I was sleeping, this was long after Catherine moved out. I met another colt. I was pregnant. This colt had become ill. Well, when I gave birth, I had a small stallion. The first stallion in a while born as an alicorn to me. It may be possible that this colt will be able to bring forth day like myself. I was planning on teaching him myself.

She paused for a bit. "However, one night, a thief broke in, this was after Luna was returned to me as my sister, and the thief took my child away. I was worn out from my duties, however Luna sent one of her guards out to search. This batpony found the colt, however, he couldn't bring him back. So, time and time again, he reported on his health and kept an eye on him. Not really showing to him but still watching. Well, on my last visit to Ponyville, I came out and spotted the white stallion alicorn. When my daughter, Catherine moved here to stay in the observatory, I relieved the batpony, knowing should the two meet, the two would be safe and able to protect each other, much like me and Luna."

She smiled leaning down and noses Solar. "Solar, that young colt was you, my dear. How I know is your eyes. Your eyes match mine." She says softly.

Catherine wraps her good wing around Solar. She gave him a smile as well. "I had a feeling about you, Solar."


Sweet would soon trot back up, cups of Cider for the five ponies in the room. "Careful, the cider is still rather warm, sugars. But ah garrentee, it's the best." She says and soon parts, shutting the door and heading downstairs. There she would walk to Cloud's room and knock. She would walk in to check on him. "Cloud, are you okay in here?"

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Red Heart:


Red Heart was taking a nap during the whole fire incedent so when the comotion down stairs had happend she was fully awake

(wonder who's here now) she wondered

*Knock Knock*

at the sound of the door she quickly looked at cloud and saw that he was still asleep. then awnsered it

"oh hello Sweet" she said to the mare as she moved out into the hall and closed the door behind her

"can i help you?"

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(I hadn't seen Cloud in a while to be honest.)

Luna smiled after Tia asked her about Catherine. "She has grown to a fine mare. I feel proud of her." Luna said smiling to Catherine after she said that.

Luna heard all the story about Solar. "Yes, I wanted to help somehow, is the least I could do for you." Luna said smiling to Solar. "We were to busy to take care of you, and not even sure we couls. Well, me at leats until now." She replied nuzzling Darky.

He smiled at that, still taking his nap. "Is good to see you again." Luna said turning to Solar again.

After hearing that Sweet brought Cyder, Darky woke up almost inmediately. "Thank you!" He said giggling as he used his magic to give one cup ti each one of them.

Luna giggled at that, smiling.

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Solar looked up at her, his mouth hanging open in utter shock. A part of him refused to believe it, but a much larger part of him knew that it was true. Now he knew why he received strange looks for being an Alicorn and homeless. He really was royalty! And Catherine really was his sister... This whole time, he knew he was meant to be in this world for something... and now he had found it. He nuzzled up against Catherine and looked up at Celestia. Then he spoke for possibly the first time in his life. "M-mother...?"

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Sweet would smile to Nurse Redheart. "How is he? And ahm glad yer here. Ah need ya ta look at Catherine when ya get the chance. There was a fire and, she's our guest fer the night. She got hurt." She says pointing to the room. "She's with her mother, aunt, and a couple others. Ah want best care and know yew are the best, well from what ah heard from mah cousin Applejack." She says. "And if yer thirsty, there's some cider downstairs."

Catherine smiled and nuzzles into Solar.


Celestia looks at him. "Yes, dear. And I think.... perhaps you should stay with your sister. It'd give her an excuse to take time from the observatory for awhile. And she could teach you a few things too. Plus, I see she loves her little brother."

Catherine looked up. "I do indeed. He's family. Say, Aunt Luna, is Darky your son too? Not to seem mean to you, Darky. Just making sure. I don't get out much and news don't reach the observatory cause nopony goes in."

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Luna giggled at that. "No, no. He is not my son." She said smiling as Darky drank some Cyder. "He is my husband." She said smiling, blushing a little at she said those words.

He also blushed, still drinking the cyder.

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"he's fine he is dazing in and out" Red said to sweet

"really was that what the commotion was about" she noted "I'll get right on it"


as she went down the stairs she froze with her mouth hung open when she saw Luna AND Celestia along with tree other alicorns


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Again, the little Alicorn was caught completely off guard, and once again sat open-mouthed. "With Catherine? In the castle?" He asked, reverting back to his usual means of communication, the dancing blue letters hanging in mid air. It seemed too good to be true, almost as if he were dreaming. He stared into his little mug of cider before taking a small sip.

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Brave Shield:

Brave shield runs into a hay bale and trips

"Agh!" He exclaimed as he fell into a barrel

He had gone right through the hollow barrel and was now stuck in it. He tried to free himself but couldn't do it no matter what he tried

"Midnight if your somewhere over here I could use some help" he said in a louder voice once he gave up

(I must look ridicules)

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Brave looked around for the source of midnights voice

"Um...cause it's too dark for me I can't see" he said his cheeks turning red

"Can you please help me" he said in a difeted tone

((Sorry dont know how to spell that and auto correct isn't helping))

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