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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Midnight stepped forward and she giggled slightly, she stuck out her tongue and touched his nose before walking around him to grab a branch from the trees. " This might hurt and I don't eat hay so we'll have to do it this way," Midnight chuckled as she flew on top of the hay bale and begun to cut using her wing ends and the stick together, this was to loosen up so she could then buck him from behind.


Her wing pushed down too far and she went straight through the hay, striking Brave. "Oh my Luna! I'M SOOOO SORRY! ARE YOU OK?" she asked as she frantically tried to get him out and just resorted to bucking him from behind and his body popped out the other end.

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((i thought brave was in a barrel))

(did...did she just lick my snout) brave asked himself as his whole face went red

"um....it-its fine I've been hit s-so many times its easy to ignore" he said as he readied himself for.....something he wasn't sure it was too dark to tell

when midnight kicked out of the hay bale brave made a 'ooff' noise and rolled a few feet away

"its fine ive been hit by a manticore, i think ill live" he told her as she started to fret about him "do you mind if i turn on a light or something all i can see is black"

He then felt something wet slide down his flank


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Sweet had gone out and sat on a bench outside of the barn while everypony did their thing. Catherine looked over spotting Nurse Redheart. She would stand, but slowly due to the pain. "Good evening, miss." She would say.


Celestia would smile looking back. "Greetings, Nurse Redheart." She'd bow her head softly.


Catherine would take a step, but due to the pain the burn had caused her back, she collapses to the floor but soon would stand back up. "Is there anything I could do for you, or something you need?"

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"Cat, don't move that much, you are still in bad shape." Darky said as he helped her again, soon after he finished his Cyder. He had to help her.... well, seeing his relationship with Luna, his neice.

Luna smiled at that.

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Red Heart:

red heart was whipped back from her thoughts and got to work with out addressing anypony other then the one that was hurt

"I'm guessing your the one that was hurt" she said to cat "i need you to lay down and be still you should be fine in no time"

Brave Shield:

Brave stood there he was just starting to feel the cut midnight made

(oh she cut me that's why she's worried

"Hay stupid she drinks blood and your bleeding.

I don't see why that......oh..that may be a problem if she's hungry. but she's not she ate a wile ago

"How do you know she's not?")

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Midnight scrunched up her nose and nodded "Hmm mmm, you can," she stood backwards and watched the wound bleed.

"Yeah, we're going to have to patch that up, come on let's be quick," she walked around him in the biggest bend possible and grabbed tree leaves and small bendy vines.

"Here," she said through gritted teeth as she wrapped the leader first and then secured with a twig, the blood touched her hooves and she tasted it. It was sweet but not too sweet. Delectable.

"S-s-sorry," Midnight pulled back and took off flying again, flying to some random place.

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"Hay! Wait up!" Brave said as she took off

(dang it) brave thought

He thought for another second before he divided on doing something he hasn't done in over a year....use his transformation spell

With a bright white flash brave's coat turned from its pure white to a dark steel gray, his stripe of silver in his Mane and tail invaded the rest of his hair making it all silver, his horn receded and he grew a pair of leathery wings,and a nasty scar appeared under his left eye

He imediently flew up and after the Arieon easily catching up to her

(it feels weird having wings again)

The only thing that gave him away was the smell of blood that was some how following her

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Catherine looked at Redheart and smiled. "I'm fine. Just weakened from fighting a fire." She would stand, wincing a bit. "Though, I don't think I'll fly until I get the splinters from my wing." She says as she takes a step but the hip swaying seems to agrivate the burn as she collapses.


Celestia looks over. "Nurse Redheart, she's just stubborn. Her back is burned pretty badly. Lucky for her she just does star observations and star maps." Celestia nuzzles Solar. "Do me a favor, keep your sister out of trouble. Luna, do you plan staying around Ponyville for awhile?"

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"Hmmm.... I might do it." Luna replied to Celestia as she stood up and laid just next to her sister and her niece. She smiled to Solar, stroking his mane a little.

Darky sighed and helped Catherine stand up again. "Don't preasure yourslef like that, things will go worst." He said calmly to her.

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Solar's eyes widened a bit with worry as he saw Catherine suddenly collapse onto the floor, and he ran to her side, nudging her shoulder. He let out a small, shaky sigh as he sat next to her, before looking up at Luna and letting out a small yawn.

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Midnight turned around as she landed to see an Areion flying after her, who else lived here! She only knew like 4 others here!

"Who...are..y," she paused just as she sniffed the air, that blood! It was Brave's. "Brave? What have you done with Brave!" She growled and hissed loudly her eyes glowing and her fangs coming into play.

She looked scary and dangerous in the moonlight and she did not look happy.

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(oh right she dosnt know) brave thought as he saw he get in an aggressive stance

"ok this may sound preposterous but i am Brave Shield" he told her as he landed

"you ran away and....."a blush formed on his cheeks and he looked down".....i......i didn't want to have you to leave me alone."

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Midnight reared back and hissed even louder. "Prove it, I'm not up to trusting an Areion who appears out of nowhere," she lowered her stance ready to strike.

How could this be Brave, can Unicorns transform into different species? How would he turn back I he hadn't a horn in this form?

Midnight growled out of her confusion.

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"well... theres a problem with that" he started" i eather have to be killed or have anouther uni....Vynal!" he exclamed "she can turn me back" he said and before she could awnser he took of towards ponyville and the sound of wubs

(were theres wubs theres Vynal) he thought

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Midnight stood their shocked out of her mind, Vynal? Brave knew Vinyl...

"Hey wait up!" She called out and easily caught up with him, coasting along on her back in a relaxing kind of motion.

"Makes sense, you're slow because you're no used to wings?" She guessed and half stated before hearing the loud noises and stopped in mid air, she pulled out ear plugs from her saddle bags she wore and then continued following.

"I love her music but u seriously can't handle it," she mentally counted to 3 and awaited his reaction with his apparent 'new ears'

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"really i couldn't tell its only been about a year seance i flew" he stated back

"and when you live with it you get used to it" he said as his eye twitched from the increased in volume the closer they got

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Vynal was listening to the music set up to play before she when and played her own when two areions flew down to her one of them she knew the other she wasn't sure who she was

when the male landed she gave him a big hug

"hows it going little brother, did you get that bucking job?"


Brave hugged the smaller white mare back

"hay Vynal. yes, but can you do me a favor?" he asked her


Vynal took a quick glance at the female areion and whispered "is it about her?" she counter asked


"kinda i want you to turn me back to normal." Brave told her


"Can't i kill you instead" she asked in a mock winning tone


"i would prefer not"


As Vynal was about to use the spell she quickly told the other Areion to shield her eyes. Then she castes it with a bright flash


As brave's scar disappeared and his coat, mane, and tail returns to normal his wings shortened until they were no more and his horn grew back

"See it's me" he told her as the smell of blood returned from accedently reopening the wound but this time midnight was closer and wasn't as prepared as last time so it hit her like a freight train as Vynal heard her que to go on stage and quickly darted off before anything more could happen. Leaving the two alone behind the stage

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as redheart was finishing up on cat by putting burn cream on her back she realized that cat looked an awful lot like Celestia

"um. your highness not that i am trying to pry into matters i am not supposed to know but would this alicorn im treating happen to be related to you" she asked as she stepped back from cat

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Celestia smiled proudly. "Yes, she's my daughter. And this colt here is my son." She looks. "Relax, no need to be professional around me. I'm not like a certain pony."


Catherine smiled. "But I'm not Princess, just Catherine works for me," She looks at her, relaxing after the stuff was applied to her back. "How long will I be grounded, Nurse? I doubt that I just got mere splinters in my wing." She points a hoof at her wing.


Sweet Apple giggled. "A lot of stuff happened today. Ah wonder what tomarra holds."

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"yes your...yes Celestia" she said correcting herself then turning to Cathrerine

"well luckily for you what ever hit you didn't cause major damage you should be able to fly by morning, maybe sooner because your a Alicorn" she guessed she wasn't an expert on alicorn physiology unlike Silver Needle so she wasn't sure when the soonest she would be able to fly was

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Celestia looked at Nurse Redheart. "Oddly enough, Catherine don't heal like most alicorn. She heals like the typical pony. I know cause she broke a leg once and it took normal time to heal."

Catherine sighs. "Yeah, but that's because unlike most cases when a pony ascends to being an alicorn, I was born as one. See, when one becomes, say you, for example Nurse Redheart, magic acts as some sort of.... shield against injuries. However, born alicorns, have that shield but it's not as strong cause it wasn't a mass amount  of magic that created us, like Solar here."

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"and this is why i dont have a digree in this" Redheart said with a confused look

"well eather way some time tomorrow you should be able to fly" she told her

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