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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Midnight shielded her eyes but then the blood hit her like a strong perfume Rarity would most likely wear.

She moved in a flash towards him and licked the wound to close it, she rewrapped it up before licking her fangs and looking at her handy work.

"Ok, I'm sold, why didn't you tell any pony else sooner?" She asked with a small sigh and stood next to him as they begun to walk all the way back to the farm.

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("she just tasted your blood again!"

Thank you caption obvious) he thought to the voice

"Because it's not a thing ponies believe when you say it" he said as the Arieon part of him wondered what hers would taste like now that it was released again. Brave quickly hushed the thought

"Um......." Brave nervously said as he debated on wether or not to do what he was thinking next


("are you really going to do that.......seriously"

Agh buck it) he thought

He then without warning leaned in and kissed her right on her right cheek. Then took off running himself.

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Darky yawned after he helped Catherine.

"Anyways, I should go back to bed since I have to weak up early..." he said as he stood up and walked to his room.

Luna nodded and stood up. "I'm going with him, goodnight everypony." She said smiling, then left with him.

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Strange.... Solar tilted his head curiously at Catherine as she spoke. Whenever he had an injury, he had always thought it normal for him to heal at the same rate as anypony else. Of course, it explained why since he was an Alicorn from birth. He looked up and waved a hoof at Darky and Luna as they went upstairs, before letting out another small yawn.

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Midnight blushed furiously as he kissed her and saw him dart away, ok she was sold she turkey loved Brave or Shadow whatever he wanted to call him and she smiled before flying after him

She tackled him and kissed him with a small chuckle as Midnight's eyes glowed like the moon.

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As brave ran he realized that she was faster then him because she could fly but before he could even out the playing field she slammed into him and kissed him
as they rolled around they both giggled and laughed  they're eyes dancing in the moonlight until brave sealed an unknown deal that has been refured to as the Bond of Life by the Arieons when they locked in a kiss together


"as the one meets the other

the seal of ages will be sealed

fate has found the soul mate before

and this one is yours shield" something whispered in brave's ear


("ha that wasn't even a full rhyme right Brave......brave?") the voice thought

but brave wasn't listening to anything not even the voice because somepony else had already stolen his attention and wasn't going to give it back anytime soon


((just saying but now would be a good time for a time skip to the morning))

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Celestia smiled as it would be time to raise the moon, with everypony sleeping. Catherine got up and nudged Solar awake and galloped through the house. "Come on Everypony, you've got a sight to see first hand." She would say as she would soon be outside.


Sweet Apple looked up. "What the hay? Ah guess that's time ta wake.... wait.... EVERYPONY! RISE AND SHINE AND OUTDOORS!" She said walking out the door. She would sit there as Celestia, as if waiting for her cue just stood out about half way near the trees.


What Catherine was trying to get everypony up for is to see the raising of the sun by her mother first hand. She would smile and look about, sitting there.

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Luna looked outside the window in the bed room and got ready. She looked at Celestia, then to a clock. Once it was time, her horn glowed and slowly, the moom came dosn as while Celestia brought the sun up the sun natuarly.

Darky just woke up and went to get ready. He had seen it a lot of times so it was not the big deal for him.

(Wait, you first said rise the moon, then rise the sun not so long afterwards.... )

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Solar stirred a bit in his sleep before waking up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, half expecting everything from the night before to be a mere dream. He shakily stood up and glanced at the clock, gasping in surprise as he realized what time it was. Celestia... Or rather, his mother was about to raise the sun! He followed Catherine and Celestia outside, watching curiously.

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brave shield woke up from the longest time he ever slept seance the changeling attack in a unfamiliar surrounding wrapped in some sort of leather blanket

(how the hell did i get here?) he thought

as he tried to get up but when he tried the blanket tightened around him

"what the-" brave started before he saw the sleeping Arieon holding him

Then it all came back to him, the fire, him getting stuck, midnight cutting him on accident, the trip to Vynal, and the beginning of all that ....kissing..... but anything after that his mind was blured


and that left only one more question he wanted awnsered


(where are we?) from what brave could see from the ground it looked like some sort of clearing in a forest


(this cant be right the only forest close enough for a nights worth of travel is th-......the everfree forest!

"ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner the ever free forest is right where you are!)the voice said in a vary stupid game show accent

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Midnight had taken him back to the Everfree and the clearing where a huge tree house stood hidden in the trees on the side of the clearing.

"Huh!?" She opened her wings up and turned to see who was next to her. Brave! No Shadow! Ugh either one!

"Morning, I guess?" Midnight laughed as she stood up and flew up to the tree house door. "Hey, you should be able to teleport?" Midnight said as she opened the door and walked inside, she combed her hair quickly before waiting for him.

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(ok she was pretending to sleep i...i think) "yes, i can teleport....i did it in front of you when cloud came busting through the wall"

("like the kool-aid man"

seriously, no idea what your talking about)


brave looked at the sky (i think its morning its hard to tell Celestia must be just starting to raze the sun)


("ask if she heard the rhyme too"

but i didnt hear it you did

"just ask")


he then teleported to the doorway

"um....last night when we kissed" brave's heart skipped a beat when he said kissed "did you hear something tell you a rhyme"


as brave asked he wasnt looking directly at her even thought the blush could probably be visible from the sky

when he was looking he noticed something small and blue on his right hind hoof

(oh no) brave thought before he kicked the stupid flower off of him before midnight could see it


((the rhyme would be diferent because braves name was in his so if you cant figure out one just say yes ))

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Midnight paused as he appeared and she smirked. "Yes I did, actually, " Midnight grabbed a spare pair of saddel bags and strapped them on herself, grabbing some medical and her sword she placed them in the magic bags and turned to him.

"Like Sun and The Moon,

they revolve around one another,

Dearest Midnight,

your heart as found the other," Midnight respoke the phrase she remembered and headed back outside,flying down from the tree house she turned to Brave.

"Come we better get back to the others," she looked at the time and in about a good 6-7 hours she would see exactly like yesterday, she placed on her own shades she had in her tree house and waited for his reply.

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(ok what did that 'what ever it was' whisper to me

"huh? oh...) then the voice told him


Braves face when red

"um.....uh.....ya we should......"brave said as he tried not to smile about what he had just been told


"um......how long where we......kissing" brave asked as he teleported down after she went out the door


Brave really couldnt remember he tried and tried but all that he could find in his head was just.......sensations......no record of time or where he was or even him breathing just her and nothing else

it was unsettling for him at the same time it made him happy

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Once all ponies were present, Celestia got ready to fly but turned to her daughter. "Catherine, why don't you do the honors?" She would say, confident she could do it.


Catherine backed up getting nervous. "Mom, that's your job. Not...."

Celestia beckoned. "Come on, just do it."

She nods and walks out, spreading her wings and looks. "Mom, I may need help."

"No. No you do not."

She sighs and flys up, wings spread, horn glowing, as she flew up, so did the sun. Soon the sun would be up as Catherine would land down beside her mother panting, her wings hurting still, as is her back. She would wobble but catch her ballance. She would sigh and trot on over.

Celestia smiled, a bit of pride swelled up inside her. She looks. "Goodmorning Everypony, I must part and head home. Luna, will you be joining me, dear sister?"

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Soon after Catherine finished bringing the sun up, Luna exited the room sje was sharing with Darky and walked to where everypony was, walking by his side all the time.

Luna looked at Celestia as she spoke. "Yes sister, I will go with you." She said with a smile on her face. She gave Darky a small kiss on his nose. "See ya." She said, then walked to Tia's side.

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Solar watched in amazement as he watched Catherine raised the sun. Once it was finished, he ran to her side. "That was amazing!" He wrote in dancing blue letters. He smiled at Luna as she came out of the house, and he waved a hoof at her as she walked next to Celestia.

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Midnight shrugged as she flew low next to Brave who was trotting to get back to the acres, they were there just in time to see Catherine raise the sun and Tia and Luna begin to depart.

"I'm not sure Shadow, it was weird,"

She landed quickly as Brave came up behind her before speaking to the Princesses.

"Goodbye my Princesses, I'll send you a letter Luna for when this place is up and running," Midnight bowed deeply as she blinked behind the shades.

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"ya i cant remember much of it" brave said right before he  saw Cat rase the sun "wow" he said stopping right where he was to see the spectical happen right before him he had seen it plenty of times when he was a guard but seeing somepony else do it makes it seam.....special

"well i'd like to hang out again after work.......if thats ok....um..." brave said as he started to get nervous again

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Sweet Apple giggled. "Did ya both have fun?" She said to Brave and Midnight. "Tell ya what, seeing as it seems yew two work well together, yew two can be a team and work together at night." She said to the two.


Catherine smiled as her mother left. She looked down wondering what was going on. Why had her mother asked her to raise the sun. Was Celestia planning on stepping down and handing the reigns to her? Or was it that she knew that she could do it and wanted her to prove herself she could? She was rather perplexed.

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Darky looked at Cat. "You did a nice job with the sun." He said smiling to her, then turned up. "Honestly, Luna thought me how to do it with the moon, but it is really hard." He added. "They just make it look si easy..." he said smiling looking to the sky. "Anyways, I'll go and make breakfast." He then said as he walked back inside.

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Brave's cheeks started to blush as he realized they were in earshot.

"Um..well I can't really se that well at night" brave told her " and........" *mental sigh* "..well actualy it would be up to midnight" he said

"I wouldn't want to just jump the gun"

Brave liked the idea but at the same time he wondered how much work they would get done and would the distract each other....plus tonight he had a problem from the flower to deal with

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