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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Midnight raised her eyebrow at Sweet, working, with somepony at night, it had been so long since she'd been at the castle and working with others on her night duties. She'd gotten so used to flying about Ponyville at night a watching over the town and part of the Everfree that she didn't know!

"Er...I'm not to sure, I guess? Maybe?" Midnight shrugged as she nodded at Darky. "Don't worry about me, I've got my own source of food," she bowed her head in gratitude anyway.

"Uh? A night to remember, at least I think I can remember, "

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brave was wondering how it would be compleatly going back to his guard scedual sleeping during the day and working at night part of him was a little on edge that Sweet just put that out there as soon as they come back from being alo-......

("do you think she thought you two where doing more than kissing?"

i....i....i dont know)

"Um so would i just work then go to sleep when midnight dose" he asked sweet giving a slightly confused look that was on his face


then he remembered that he and midnight shared a room together (oh that will be fun to try to get to sleep) he thought smiling in his head

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Sweet would look at Brave. "You two will sleep and work at the same time. In the mean time, why don't we go get some grub. Ahm sure that Darky has some ready." She trots back into the house.


Catherine soon would go back in and look at Solar. "So, Solar, do you wanna stick around here for a bit or go to the Observatory and see what it is I do all day and night?" She asks her.

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"ok" brave said to her then looked to midnight wanting to ask her questions and talk to her but now wasnt the time so instead he followed sweet and the rest of them to the house

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Solar looked up at Catherine, his eyes widened a bit in surprise. "Up in the castle? With you?" He asked, thinking for a moment. It would be a major life adjustment, and the little Alicorn still had a bit of trouble believing that he was actually royalty. "Yes! I'd love to!" He wrote. "But... I can't fly."

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Catherine giggled. "Dear, I mean the observatory." She points into the Everfree forest. She turned and looked at her hoof. She turned to Midnight. "Um.... can I ask something. Is it normal for a baby Timberwolf to follow somepony around after saving it's life?" She looks about.


Sweet would go in and sit down at her table waiting for breakfast. She looks at Brave and Midnight. "Yew two go ta bed fer the day. Come tonight yew two will be workin' the orchard ta protect it. If yer concerned, Brave, yew can work the north, while Midnight works the southern parts." She says to him. "Ah just figured with how yew two are getting along so well, yew'd make a good pair ta work together."

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After a short while, Darky finished making breakfast for everypony and put it in the table, grabbing himself a paur of apples also, having a smile as he did all that. For sime reason, he was enjoying working as this, he didn't knew why, but he liked it.

"Breakfast is ready." He said to Sweet with a smile as he put a olate with food in the table, just infront of her.

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as brave sat next to midnight at the table he listened to what Sweet was saying


"oh i wasnt concerned i was just wondering what i'd be doing" he said to Sweet then he looked to midnight

"ya i guess you can say we'd make a great pair" he said noting at a question he would ask midnight later


he then looked up to see darky coming in with food

"hay how are you Darky" he said trying to be friendly to the alicorn that was cooking the food

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Catherine smiled as she looked at Solar. "Perhaps I can help you speak more too, and help you overcome your shyness." She wraps a wing around her little brother. "And well, how old are you, Solar?"

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Teach him to speak more and overcome his shyness? Solar smiled at the thought, but wondered how such a thing could even be possible. He nuzzled into Catherine, before answering her second question. "Thirteen."

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Catherine smiled. "Well, I think it's time to get you up to speed on your learnings, cause come summer's end, I'm putting you in classes, so you can make some friends, okay."


Sweet Apple smiled. "So, Darky, what have ya made for us this mornin'?"

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Darky smiled. "Take a look for yourself." He said as he put the plate infront of her.

The plate had a pair of small pancakes, having a small fruit salad also by another side and a hay sandwich.

He let another one for brave. "Doing good, thank you." He said to him smiling a little.

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"thats good" brave said smiling back



redheart got up from the spare bed and looked around to not see cloud

(dang it why'd he get up) she tought before getting up and smelling food

he stomach then growled

"whens the last time i ate?" she asked herself not remembering

she the walked to the dinning room to find the unicorn that brought her here, the host, Luna's husband, and a female Arieon

when she entered she sneezed almost sneezing on everypony but instead getting her snout in her elbow just in time

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Sweet Apple smiled. "Good mornin' Nurse, care ta join us fer breakfast?" She asks sweetly.


Catherine sniffed and smiled. "Smells great." She says trotting in.

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Brave Shield:

"bless you" brave said to the white mare who just sneezed

"and good morning"


Red Heart:

Red Heart looked up from her elbow "morning and i would love to join you for breakfast" she said as her stomach growled again

she then looked to the Unicorn "thank you"

as she walked around the large table to sit next to...Sweet she remembered after getting a good look at her, she noticed the alicorn that had been hurt last night walk in

"Anypony seen Cloud today?" she asked everypony


Brave Shield:

Brave thought for a minute on where cloud was "wasnt he in his room?"

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(What should we do about Cloud? Hadnt seen him in quite a while.)

Darky brought more plates of food to the table for everypony. "Sorry, I handt seen him to." Darky said after hearing about Cloud.

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Midnight giggled and turned to Cat. "Not at all, I have a...friend called Lavender, be friends and stay friends," she said before she then listened intently to the conversations that happened between Sweet and Brave and she sat there with a small yawn she covered her mouth with her hoof at the mention of sleep.


"Southern? Closer to the Everfree, as long as it is I'll be happy," Midnight's nose smelt the food and she smiled at Darky.


"A profound cook you are," ((Oh god that sounded a little too much like Thor ;) )) Midnight's eyes wandered about the room before she quickly dozed off unknowingly.

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"Classes?" This piqued the little Alicorn's curiosity, and he could not help but feel excited to get to the Observatory. He smelled the food that Darky had been cooking, and his stomach growled in response. With all the excitement that had happened last night, he never even got to eat.

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"he might have left last night" brave told Redheart as midnight fell asleep and slouched onto his shoulder "huh?"

brave then looked over to see midnight had fallen asleep


Red Heart:

Red Heart smiled at the sight "looks like someone's tired"



"ya she must be" Brave said

"hay darky can you please keep my food warm, im going to go put her in her bed" he asked not waiting for an answer before his horn started to glow and an aurora surrounded the sleeping mare and she started to levitate


brave then carried midnight up to they're room and layed her down in the bed trying not to wake her

he then covered the arieon up and kissed her forehead before starting to feel tired himself

(she looks so peaceful) he thought as he looked at the mare

then his eyelid's got vary heavy all of a sudden and he shook his head trying to wake himself

(woah...why am i ....so... tired.......) he thought as he fell asleep right next to midnight


as brave slept the poison joke took affect and turned him into a mare


((im saying this now in case midnight wakes up before brave or somepony walks into the room.

also the mare version  of brave is petite and shorter than most everypony except solar but looks like brave in every other way))

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Catherine looked down under her. "I see." She then smiled and was going to look at Midnight and ask something but she was gone. She began eating as she looked over at Solar. "Don't worry, little brother, you'll do just fine."


Sweet Apple began eating as she looked over. "Darky, for dinner, make sure ya save extra for Midnight and Brave, okay?" She looks at Redheart. "Darling, may I ask you a question?"

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