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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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"Sure, I will make sure I made for them." Darky replied to Sweet with a small smile as he sat himself in the table and started eating happily as everypony else talked.

Midnight was right, he was quite good, althiugh he chuckled a little to the way he said it, it sounded too... weird and a bit funny for him.

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Sweet smiled as she looked at the lot at the table. She turned to Nurse Redheart. "Nurse, ah was wonderin', would ya like ta open a clinic here, ah mean it's out here in the quiet, no distractions much, and well, yew'd have nopony ta answer ta 'cept yerself."


Catherine smiled and snuggled with Solar. "Well, young one, I think it's time we head to show you your home." She said after she finished eating. "And yes, we'll pay these ponies a visit from time to time." She says as she stands up. "Thank you folks kindly." She says and walks to the door.

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(CanvasMayHogany was dear enough to draw Solar for me: http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/6540-solar-flare-the-alicorn/ )


Solar nodded at what Catherine said and followed her to the door, waving a hoof at everypony else. "What classes am I going to be taking?" He asked, nervously fluttering his wings.

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((that's cool but my question wasn't answered and the pony i was making was to replace Red Heart (if not join with her)))


Red Heart:

she thought about it for a minute

"well....i have been meaning to slow down a bit a the hospital..."she started looking down at her half empty plate "but if i were to start here I'd need a zebra or a unicorn with extensive knowledge of healing for anything i cant do.....like knowledge of the alicorn physiology and being able to reset broken bones" she could reset bones but her age was making her shaky some times and they would need someone in there prime or someone with magic to ensure the best treatment

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[You're welcome to.]


Sweet smiled as she looked at Redheart. "Well, I'm thinking that perhaps once the camp is up, they'll be needing one who knows how to ensure ponies stay healthy, darling. I'm going to see about having a pond put in near there with a dock and boat, and well, I just thought you'd be perfect as a camp nurse with how you took care of other ponies since being here." She says. "And if I recall, there is a Zebra in the forest."


Catherine smiled as she waves to Darky as she parts with Solar to the observatory.

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Red Heart:

"yes thats Zacora but she dosent like living outside the everfree" red told sweet "though she would have the knowledge that would be needed



Zecrath was walking into ponyville looking for his cousnd Zacora

(she sould be around here somewhere)

as he was walking the zebra saw a flier talking about work out at a farm near the everfree

(oh ya she lives in the everfree) he thought before walking towards the farm in hopes of finding somepony that would know where in the everfree Zacora lived


((Zecrath's character sheet:

http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20881-zecrath-pronounced-z-kroth/   ))

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Zecrath was supprized by sweet

(she must have been close to the door)

"um...hello ma'am do you know where i could find a friend of mine?" Zecrath said to the mare in his thick zebra accent

he was wearing a tan cloke so he had to take his hood off to see her properly

And when he did he reviled a ratty looking mane and dirt all over his face like he had been sleeping on the side of the road for months if not years

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Dawn ran downstairs, quickly shoving his laptop in his saddle bag. "Sorry I'm late!" He said. From up close, he would look a bit exhausted, yet he also seemed fairly excited. "I couldn't sleep last night, so I worked on a song. And I think I have it finished! I think I might have gotten an hour of sleep in at least... Did I miss anything?"

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She would sit there, Sweet Apple, just thinking about last night. She smiled. "Ah wonder.... tonight ahm goin' ta ask Midnight somethin'." She says as she leans back. She would soon get up and trot on outside and sit on a rocking chair, rocking back and forth. Today would be the first day for chores. And she hoped things would turn out. "Come on out fer yer section assignments, ponies, when ya'll are done."

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Darky chuckled a little. "Sure boss." He said smiling as his horn glowed, lifting the playes of the ponies that finished eating and taking them to the kitchen to clean them. He was a alicorn house maid! He chuckled again at that idea, hoping that Luna really hadn't to see him like that.

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She nods. "Ah see. Well, if'n ah recall what mah cousin said, she lives deep in the Everfree, though ah wouldn't go there without a proper guide. The mare who knows the forest best is asleep." She says softly. "And ah won't be wakin' her."

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"I understand I wouldn't want to be woken up when I sleep unless it's an emergency either" Zecrath said to the mare as he looked around

"This is a good sized farm is it just you the white pony and the one that is asleep?"

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She looks. "Well, I'm not sure. Though Nurse Redheart may be one to talk to, for we do have a pony who was injured, Not sure on how he's doin'." She smiled as she got up and drew out a map of her orchards and smiled waiting for everypony to show up.

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